Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 432 As long as you are satisfied

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

At that time, Bao Yuxuan's boss had already called the security guards, planning to chase Ning Xi away if she still refused to leave.

It could have been a little more perfect today, but it's all because this woman has been disrupting the situation and almost offended his nobleman, so she simply toasted and refused to eat fine wine.

Ning Xi casually glanced sideways at the little security guard who was not enough for her to kick, and was about to speak when a very polite voice suddenly came from behind, "Miss, do you want to buy jade?"

Ning Xi raised her head and glanced at the middle-aged man who was talking, "I want to buy jade, why?"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, with a respectful expression, "I wonder if I have the honor to serve you?"

Hearing this, Ning Xi took another look at the man in front of her. Seeing his tone of voice and cautious attitude, he should be a shop assistant, so she said, "I don't think so. Your boss just said that you don't have enough manpower. It's too low-end. The cheap jade ornaments are no longer on the shelves.”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man turned slightly and glanced in the direction of the boss.

Receiving the middle-aged man's stern gaze, the boss suddenly trembled in his calves, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and dared not say a word.

The security guard just now has already hid to the side at this time, trying to reduce the sense of presence as much as possible.

The middle-aged man quickly turned back to Ning Xi, and after considering his words, he said, "That being said, there are still other options. Although Baoyuxuan takes the mid-to-high-end route, it is also very close to the people. Those jade ornaments just now, So it was taken off the shelves because the jade ornaments themselves are flawed and not for sale, please forgive me."

Didn't the boss deliberately take it off the shelves just to please Su Yimo? But the clerk's statement seems to be flawless?

Ning Xi was still in a hurry to pick out a birthday gift, and without thinking too much, she nodded casually, "Oh, so, then I'll go buy it elsewhere!"

After speaking, he turned to leave.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man hurriedly called Ning Xi to stop, "Wait! Miss, I mean, apart from those defective products, this store has products that are more suitable for a lady!"

After speaking, he winked at the two young men behind him.

The two young men each carried a black suitcase. After receiving the order, they opened the suitcases together, held them in their hands, and unfolded them in front of Ning Xi.

The middle-aged man motioned Ning Xi to look at the items in the box, and explained, "This is an item that we have just urgently replenished. Miss, take a look and see if you like it!"

"What a coincidence?" Ning Xi was a little surprised.

"It is our highest purpose to serve every customer with all our strength!" The middle-aged man replied seriously.

Ning Xi walked over to take a look. Although she didn't know much about jade ornaments, they were indeed better from an aesthetic point of view, so she mused, "It seems to be better than the ones I saw just now..."

The tense body of the middle-aged man relaxed a little because of this sentence, "Miss, as long as you are satisfied, I don't know what style you want to buy, use it yourself, or give it away? I can give you some suggestions as a reference. "

Not far away, seeing the middle-aged man serving Ning Xi very attentively, Liang Biqin had a gloomy face and said unhappily to the boss, "Boss, what's the matter with your shop assistant? He's rushing to please that kind People! It’s just a small list of hundreds of thousands, as for what? Why don’t you be so short-sighted! It’s like you’ve never seen money..."

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