Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 433 It's an honor to serve you

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The other starlets next to him also had expressions that couldn't be seen, "Boss, you don't care about your shop assistant! This professional quality is too bad!"

"No wonder, I think he is not too young, he should have been working for many years, and he is still a small shop assistant!"

"It must be because he has no eyesight and is too good at doing things. Why do people like this stay in the store?"


Listening to the conversation between Liang Biqin and those little stars, the boss's face full of fat turned into a liver color, so he could only force his smile and say to them, "Hey, you big beauties, don't worry about that side. , anyway, that side can't affect us now, you can pick and choose again, take a look again, don't be affected by your mood..."

On the other hand, Ning Xi saw that the clerk's tone of voice was quite reliable, so she also gave up the idea of ​​going to another place, and replied, "It will be my grandfather's 70th birthday in a while, and I want to pick a bunch of Give him the Jade Buddha bracelet."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately picked out a bracelet from a pile of jade ornaments with ease, "Miss, what do you think of this string? This Jade Buddha bracelet is composed of 29 emerald green Laokeng glass beads. , all the beads are taken from a single stone, the color is even and complete..."

Ning Xi took the bracelet that the middle-aged man had chosen for her, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, "I don't really understand what you're talking about, but somehow I think this bracelet is pretty good, and I've seen it a lot just now, but There is no string that makes me have the urge to buy it..."

The middle-aged man chuckled, "That means that this string of Jade Buddha bracelets is destined for you, which is extremely rare. Of course, you can rest assured that the quality of this string is absolutely guaranteed!"

Ning Xi stroked the bracelet and pondered, "I really like this bracelet, but what's its price? My psychological price is within 150,000 yuan. If it's higher, I'd better buy another one." Bar……"

The middle-aged man immediately said, "Coincidentally, this string is exactly one hundred and fifty thousand."

"Exactly one hundred and fifty thousand?" Ning Xi was overjoyed when she heard that.

The middle-aged man nodded, "And, because the store is holding an event recently, I can give you a 20% discount."

Ning Xi was even happier when she heard that. Originally, she was worried that all the remaining money would be used to buy jade, and she would have no money to eat later. After the 20% discount, there was just a little left over, and the matter of eating was also settled.

Thinking of this, Ning Xi nodded and said, "Then get me this one!"

The tension on the brows of the middle-aged man finally dissipated completely when he heard this, "Okay, I'll pretend it for you."

"Okay, thank you!"

"Miss, you are too polite, it is my honor to serve you."

As the middle-aged man said, he personally took Ning Xi's card, made an order for her, packed it up, then handed it to her with both hands, and bowed, "You are welcome to come again next time!"

The owner of Bao Yuxuan on the side didn't dare to say a word from the beginning to the end, but just stared at the jade Buddha bracelet that Ning Xi bought for less than 150,000 with an expression of disbelief. ...

After Ning Xi left, Su Yimo and the others continued to look at Yu.

Seeing that Ning Xi had left, Liang Biqin was still unhappy, so she took the anger out on the middle-aged clerk, "Hey, you! Talk about you! What's the matter with you? The boss said all these things to bring Baoyu down." Xuan grade jade ornaments have been taken off the shelves, who allowed you to make your own decisions?"

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