Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 436 The boss asked me to protect you

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After shopping for presents, Ning Xi went back to the apartment.

Coming out of the elevator, she was taking out the keys while walking towards the door of the house. When she looked up, she suddenly saw a burly man nearly two meters tall standing in front of her like a goalkeeper.

Ning Xi was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the house number, did she go the right way?

"Uh, who are you, please? This is my home, you're blocking my way..."

"Miss Ning, my name is Xiong Zhi. The boss asked me to protect you." The burly man replied, then obediently moved two steps to the side to make room for her, and then continued to stand there like a door god.

Hearing this answer, Ning Xi was a little surprised, "Boss? Who is your boss?"

Xiong Zhi replied sternly: "Miss Hui, my boss is named Lu."

The corners of Ning Xi's mouth twitched slightly, "The surname is Lu...could it be Lu Tingxiao?"

Xiong Zhi nodded, "Yes."

Ning Xi suddenly had black lines all over her face, "It's really him...I'll go! Why did he ask you to come and protect me?"

Xiong Zhi replied blankly: "The boss asked me to be responsible for your safety on the set."

The safety of the crew?

Ning Xi suddenly remembered talking about the script with Lu Tingxiao last night. In the beginning, Lu Tingxiao didn't agree with her because there were too many dangerous scenes. Could it be because of this?

Ning Xi took a deep breath and said, "Brother, even if it's your boss's order, but your boss's order is that you let you be responsible for my safety on the set. I'm too early to start up! You're here too early Bar?"

"Then when will you turn it on?" Xiong Zhi asked.

"I don't know about it...Anyway, definitely not in the near future!" Ning Xi replied.

Xiong Zhi thought hard, then raised his head, and said, "Since we are not sure, then everything is possible. You may turn it on tomorrow, or you may turn it on now. I must carry out the boss's order."

Ning Xi almost knelt down to his logic, and said with her forehead, "But, you standing in front of my house like this will affect my life, okay? I don't know what's going on if I'm seen by others..."

Xiong Zhi thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, I see."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Huh? Seeing that this person's brain is quite stalking, I didn't expect it to be more persuasive than she imagined!

Ning Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and then went straight into the house.

After entering the room, she sent Lu Tingxiao a text message, telling him that there was no need to go to such trouble to send someone to protect him.

After the message was sent, the other end was quiet and there was no reply.

In the past, when she sent Lu Tingxiao a text message, she always replied within seconds, and this was the only time she didn't reply for such a long time...

Probably busy on business trip.

Ning Xi didn't pay much attention to it, she took out the Jade Buddha bracelet she just bought and looked at it carefully.

I don't know if it's because the bracelet was bought with her first endorsement fee. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it, and the more she looked at it, the more satisfied she was. She looked at it for a long time before carefully putting it away.

I checked the entertainment news for a while, and read the script for a while, and soon it was night...

There was no sound from the phone, and Lu Tingxiao still didn't reply to her.

Ning Xi frowned slightly, logically speaking, it's time to finish work and eat at this time, didn't you see it? Still see no reply?

I don't know why, but I always feel a little uneasy...

I go! Be neurotic! Is it just that you haven't responded to text messages for a long time?

Ning Xi shook her head, quickly threw away her phone and went to eat, and stopped thinking about it...

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