Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 437 Is it really related to YS?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

the next morning.

There was no work today, so Ning Xi went out for a morning jog, then went to buy breakfast.

As he was walking, his face suddenly changed.

It looks like someone is following her...

Ning Xi was not in a hurry, Youzai Youzai continued to walk unhurriedly, just kept digging into those winding alleys, until she was sure that she had shaken off the other party, she quickly found a place to hide .

Soon, a tall figure appeared at the entrance of the alley, Ning Xi seized the opportunity, rushed over unexpectedly, quickly appeared behind that person, locked his shoulders, "Who are you!"

As soon as the man turned around, Ning Xi was stunned, "Why is it you again?"

Isn't this the one named Xiong Zhi from last night?

I thought he was gone, but it turned out that he used a different method to carry out the so-called protection...

Ning Xi sighed, "Didn't I say it? In the near future, at least within a month or two! I won't turn it on! You can rest assured!"

"Miss, I'm just strictly following the boss's orders." Xiong Zhi didn't waver at all.

Ning Xi helplessly raised her forehead, how could Lu Tingxiao have such... such a real subordinate...

Ning Xi was worrying about how to persuade him, Xiong Zhi suddenly took out the phone in his arms and looked at it. He didn't know what he saw, and his expression changed slightly, "What did the boss ask me to do there?"

"Boss? What boss? Are you talking about Lu Tingxiao?" Ning Xi hadn't waited for Lu Tingxiao's reply to the text message since last night. Get up and take a peek.

I saw a text message on the phone: BOSS is dead, everyone, no matter where you are, go here to gather immediately: country X, Philadelphia, arsenal, coordinates XXX...

The sender was "Brother Hao", probably one of Lu Tingxiao's subordinates.

After seeing that text message, Ning Xi's expression suddenly changed...

Country X, Philadelphia! ! !

grass! Lu Tingxiao's business trip to Country X turned out to be in Philadelphia!

Isn't Philly one of the main strongholds of that jerk at YS?

And the arsenal was mentioned in the text message! How could the good-looking Lu Tingxiao gather all his men to go to the arsenal?

Could this matter really have something to do with that guy?

If this is the case, then the problem is really big...

Xiong Zhi put away his phone, and hurriedly said to Ning Xi, "Miss, I'm going to Philadelphia immediately, please try to wait until I come back before joining the set."

The more Ning Xi thought about it, the more uneasy she became, and she said irritably, "What are you going to do? You said you won't be filming for a while! What's going on with Lu Tingxiao? Isn't he on a business trip to country X? How could he get involved in the arsenal?"

Seeing that Ning Xi knew the content of the text message, Xiong Zhi frowned slightly, and said with a straight face, "Miss, I can't tell you this. I don't have time to talk to you now. I hope you understand."

After Xiong Zhi finished speaking, he ran away like the wind.

This guy looks clumsy like a bear, but he runs pretty fast...

At this moment, Ning Xi was already burning with anxiety. Damn it, what happened to Lu Tingxiao?

do not care! Instead of being frightened here, why not follow up and have a look!

It's best to be fine, at worst, she will come back secretly, if something really happens...

In the end, Ning Xi glanced at the direction Xiong Zhi left, made up her mind, quickly went upstairs to find her passport, and then rushed towards the airport without delay...

After arriving at the airport, Ning Xi checked Xiong Zhi's flight information, and sure enough, she saw that he had boarded the latest flight to Philadelphia, so she decisively bought a ticket, and quietly followed.

When we got off the plane, a sudden burst of cold air hit.

The weather in Philadelphia is not good today. There is light rain in the sky, and there is an uneasy atmosphere in the air.

After landing, Ning Xi hid her whereabouts, and Xiong Zhi was probably in a hurry, so she followed Xiong Zhi all the way and didn't find out...

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