Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 438 Proceed with caution

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Country X, Philadelphia.

Xiong Zhi took out a pitch-black semi-automatic .22 pistol from his waist. This kind of pistol is extremely small in size, but its penetrating power is terrible. It is this 22-type pistol that has saved Xiong Zhi from danger too many times.

Coming here, Xiong Zhi had an inexplicably ominous premonition in his heart. Over the years, he has experienced too many thrilling missions where he almost survived, and he has an instinctive sense of danger that is almost as keen as a wild animal.

Behind, Ning Xi was hiding in a corner that was not easy to find, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she vaguely felt that something was wrong...

Under Ning Xi's gaze, Xiong Zhi took a deep breath, then turned around and entered the dark abandoned warehouse ahead...



"Strange, why did the boss ask us to meet here? Damn!"

Not long after Xiong Zhi's side entered the abandoned warehouse, a small car drove up quickly in the distance. After the car pulled over, the co-pilot's door opened, and Shi Xiao, one of Lu Tingxiao's confidantes, came out first.

Soon, the other two angry men with ruffian faces also left the car and followed behind Shi Xiao.

"Boss, what did you say the BOSS asked you to meet here? This place seems to be an abandoned arsenal!"

"Hmm... I remember this warehouse. It should be the territory of those Italian Mafia in Philadelphia. Is there any connection between BOSS and those Italian Mafia?"

The two men said to Shi Xiao, with doubts on their faces.

"Italian Mafia?"

Hearing the sound, Shi Xiao was a little puzzled. The two men in front of him were relatively small in Philadelphia, otherwise Shi Xiao would not have taken them under his command. They should not be unfamiliar with the distribution of power in Philadelphia.

"Well, it's the Italian Mafia, but this arsenal has long been abandoned, so it should be nothing." One of the men nodded.

"Boss, let's meet at the abandoned arsenal of the Italian Mafia..." Shi Xiao murmured, his expression tightened, and then he looked at the two men: "Be careful, and act according to my wink!"

Almost instinctively, Shi Xiao felt a little uneasy.

Soon, Shi Xiao led the two men into the warehouse.

In a certain corner, Ning Xi was not idle, and sneaked in after Shi Xiao and the others...

The warehouse is very dark and humid, with a musty smell in the air and a very unpleasant smell of beer. It is difficult for the light from the outside to shine in. Whether it is Ning Xi, Shi Xiao and others, it is difficult to see my situation in the warehouse clearly. .

"Be careful!" Shi Xiao lowered his voice as much as possible, and said to the two men who were following him closely.

Afterwards, there was the sound of a pistol being loaded. Inexplicably, the two men following Shi Xiao also became tense in an instant. Could it be that the big boss asked Shi Xiao to meet here?

"Where's the phone! Let's see what's going on!" Shi Xiao said.

"Yes, yes, yes!" One of the men immediately took out his mobile phone and turned on the "flashlight" mode.

When the colored light of the mobile phone illuminated the dark place, Shi Xiao's complexion suddenly changed, and he saw Xiong Zhi lying on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, a dozen meters away, very embarrassed.

"Xiong Zhi!!!"

Shi Xiao didn't have time to think about anything else, and immediately ran towards Xiong Zhi's direction, and then helped Xiong Zhi up from the ground.

"He...he. Damn...has a traitor... a traitor!" After seeing Shi Xiao clearly in front of him, Xiong Zhi yelled angrily.

"A traitor?!" Shi Xiao's heart sank, and he gripped the gun a little tighter.

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