Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 439 Death Will Pull You

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

He thought it was weird before, how could the boss ask him to meet in such a ghostly place...

"Shi Xiao, let's go! Go quickly, there is an ambush! The boss is not here, not here!!!" Xiong Zhi roared like a beast, his forehead was bulging with veins, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Before Shi Xiao could say anything, the huge lights in the abandoned warehouse were turned on, and in an instant, it seemed to turn from the pitch blackness to the dazzling morning sun.


The strong light made Shi Xiao, Xiong Zhi and others subconsciously close their eyes, and then they heard the sound of the warehouse door slamming hard.

After Shi Xiao got used to the strong light completely, he turned around and saw that the iron door of the warehouse was closed and locked.

"Hahaha, you idiots!!"

In the depths of the warehouse, at the same time as the sound of chaotic footsteps, Shi Xiao and the others heard someone laughing and cursing in broken Chinese.

In a few breaths at most, four strong foreign men in tight T-shirts have come out, followed by a foreign woman in black with disheveled hair.

One of them was a bald man with exaggerated tattoos on his arms, neck, and even his head. He looked at Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi as if he was sizing up a corpse, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

It wasn't until this time that Shi Xiao finally realized that the old Dalu Tingxiao was not here at all, or in other words, he had never dated them. It was that bastard Hong Zhenhao who betrayed them and tricked himself and Xiong Zhi to come here!

"Hong Zhenhao, your mother blew up! I hate your grandma!!" Shi Xiao's face was flushed, and he cursed immediately.

Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi didn't have any doubts about Hong Zhenhao. When Hong Zhenhao sent a text message to tell them that Lu Tingxiao was waiting here, neither of them had any idea. traitor!

"Hahaha, you idiot pigs!" The bald man with dense tattoos laughed loudly.

On the side, the foreign woman had sharp eyes and said nothing, just playing with the cold black gun in her hand.

"You... who are you? Do you know Lu Tingxiao! We are Lu Tingxiao's people, how dare you mess around?!" One of the men brought by Shi Xiao said, sweating profusely.

Shi Xiao glanced at the man, at this point, what else is there to say, no matter who these foreigners are, the purpose of deceiving them to this abandoned warehouse is already obvious, obviously to kill them!

"Today, I'm going to let you all die here, and burn your pigs in red!" The bald man's eyes were dark and ferocious.

Hearing this, the man suddenly yelled angrily, quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist, and pointed it at the bald man: "I will hold you to death!"

"Alice, kill that pig!" the bald man said coldly.

As the voice fell, the foreign woman quickly raised her hand, and there was a loud "bang", and the bullet accurately knocked the gun into the man's hand.

"Ah...!" The man's right palm was numb, and the huge impact caused the gun he was holding tightly to fly away, and he staggered back a few steps, almost falling to the ground.

Seeing this, Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi's expressions became even uglier. The foreign woman's marksmanship...was so accurate! And it is very fast, strikes late, and does not give others the slightest chance.

"Oh, Alice, my darling, why didn't you shoot that pig to death just now!" The bald man looked at the foreign woman incomprehensibly.

"Kill him, don't use a gun, use my hands." The foreign woman was wearing a black tights with a cold face, and strode towards the man swiftly.

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