Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 440 Very Interesting Game

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The foreign woman walked steadily and moved very quickly, especially the tights, which looked extremely free and easy.

"You bitch, if you don't use a gun, I'll kill you!" One of the men brought by Shi Xiao was already sweating profusely, but he would jump over the wall when he was in a hurry, let alone People who have been on the road all year round.

The foreign woman ticked his middle finger at him, but said nothing.

At this moment, the man's face was full of madness. These foreigners obviously wanted to kill them on purpose. Since he couldn't survive, he didn't think about anything, at least kill the old foreign woman in front of him!

Thinking of this, the man let out a roar, and immediately ran towards the foreign woman, raised his fist, and punched the foreign woman on the head.

However, before the man got close, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, accompanied by the whistling wind in his ears, and he didn't even know what happened. There was a sharp pain in his jaw, and his whole body seemed to be disconnected. The kite flew horizontally, and with a loud bang, it hit the iron pillar in the distance.

"Wo... Cao Ni... firmly..."

At this moment, the man wanted to get up from the ground, but failed after several attempts. His face was covered with blood, and his teeth were kicked into pieces, including two front teeth, so that the man could not hear clearly when he spoke. something.

The foreign woman had no expression on her face, and slowly lowered her raised feet.

The man didn't see it clearly, but Xiong Zhi and Shi Xiao could see it clearly. Before the man got close, the foreign woman kicked him quickly and hard, which hit the man's chin. The front kick is extremely powerful, and it must have received high-intensity professional training!

"Just now it should be the front kicking method of Taekwondo...but it's rare for a woman to train her strength and accuracy to such an extent..." Shi Xiao murmured, his eyes flickering coldly.

Over the years, Shi Xiao has learned all the killing skills, like a woman, the skills are indeed amazing, but if he is allowed to go up, Shi Xiao is still sure that he can take down the woman, but at this moment, there are countless pistols pointed at him and Xiong Zhi, if you act rashly, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Kill you, don't grab, use your hands." The foreign woman looked indifferent, walked directly behind the man, and strangled him to death without giving him a chance to continue speaking.

Seeing this, the other man who was brought by Shi Xiao was pale, and he didn't dare to say a word, for fear of attracting the foreign woman's attention.

"Hahaha, pigs are pigs, Alice's taekwondo has reached the red level! Idiot, stupid pig!" The bald man laughed endlessly.

"Philo, it's a red and black belt, not a red belt!" The foreign woman glanced at the bald man.

"Oh... dear Alice, it's a red belt and a black belt, which is stronger than a red belt, and it's going to be close to a black belt soon! You're right!" The bald man smiled apologetically.

"What on earth do you want!!" Xiong Zhi couldn't stand it any longer, almost roaring.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, I want to play a very interesting game with you stupid pigs." The bald man winked at the two people in front of him.

Afterwards, the two foreigners brought a heavy box from the rear and threw it at the feet of Xiong Zhi and Shi Xiao.

"What do you mean?" Shi Xiao frowned.

"It's very simple. Here, there are some guns, which are very difficult to recognize. If you misidentify one, I will kill one of you. It's fair." The bald man thought for a while and said.

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