Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 441: When Did You Follow In?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Hearing this, Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi had already fully understood that these foreigners took them for some kind of fun, just like a game between cat and mouse.

"What if we recognize it?!" Shi Xiao asked again.

"Recognized?" The bald man was taken aback, obviously not thinking about this question.

"Oh, if you recognize it, let you live a little longer, and then continue to recognize it. I think there are always guns that you don't recognize, hahaha!" The bald man was full of pride.

At this moment, Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhiqiang held back the anger in their hearts. If they didn't cooperate, they might die immediately. Anyway, delay the time first!

However, when Xiong Zhi and Shi Xiao opened the box, they were completely dumbfounded.

The ammunition in the box is completely unknown to them, or they have never seen it before!

"This..." Shi Xiao was at a loss.

"Why, can't you recognize it? Hahaha, in this case, we need to abide by the rules of the game, and we can only kill one first." The bald man raised his arm, and the black muzzle of the gun in his hand landed on Xiong Zhi, and then moved away , facing Shi Xiao, repeating this...

However, at this moment, an extremely abrupt voice sounded in the arsenal.

"I'll do it." Ning Xi stepped forward and walked to the side of the box.

Seeing Ning Xi, the foreigners were stunned. They hadn't noticed Ning Xi's existence before, and no one knew how she suddenly appeared here...

Not only those few foreigners, even Xiong Zhi and Shi Xiao were dumbfounded. When did this woman... follow her in? !

"You!?" After recovering, Shi Xiao sized Ning Xi up and down, unable to suppress his anger any longer, he shouted sharply, "Who told you to come!"

However, no matter how loud Shi Xiao's voice was, Ning Xi ignored him at all and focused on the guns.

"Xiong Zhi! What's the matter with this woman! At this time, you still bring this kind of actor?! Are you out of your mind?" Shi Xiao almost yelled.

Xiong Zhi was also a little confused, he had no idea that Ning Xi was here.

"Did she think she was acting? Damn it! Tell me, did she think she was acting!" Shi Xiao's face was so gloomy that he could drip water.

"I don't know...she came here secretly!" Xiong Zhi could only explain.

"Bastard!" Shi Xiao yelled, and then looked at Ning Xi viciously: "You're an actor, what do you know, get lost!"

" you want to die?" Suddenly, Ning Xi turned around, her cold eyes fell on Shi Xiao.

"Hahahaha, are you infighting? It's wonderful. I like it. Let's continue!" The bald man was full of excitement.

"Poor, it's fear that made them lose their minds." The foreign woman said coldly.

"It doesn't count if she admits it, I'll admit it!" At this time, Shi Xiao could only bite the bullet, how could she leave the life and death of several people to this stupid actor, maybe she really thought she was acting !

The bald man shook his head immediately: "No, no, since she wants to admit it, she must admit it. If you change someone, it will be regarded as a waiver. I still have to kill someone."

Hearing the sound, Shi Xiao's face was ashen. Looking at Ning Xi, his eyes became more and more fierce. He wished he could cut this idiot into pieces in order to relieve the hatred in his heart!

He couldn't understand why Lu Tingxiao, a boss who was so wise that he was so utterly insane and willing to follow him to the death, would value such an idiot actor!

Hearing this, Ning Xi took out an extremely exquisite pistol from the box without even looking at Shi Xiao: "Austrian Glock 17 pistol, dedicated to the Austrian military, the length is 185 mm, and the weight is about 0.6" About kilograms, the length of the barrel, if I remember correctly, should be 114 mm, the magazine capacity is 17 rounds, and the range is 72 meters."

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