Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 445 I also have my rules of the game

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Xiong Zhi clenched his fists tightly, his veins were exposed, the boss gave him instructions... If he couldn't complete it, even if he survived, how would he have the face to face the old mainland Tingxiao in the future!

"Be obedient, don't act rashly, now, it's not your turn to die, but if you are disobedient and unwilling to cooperate... then everything will be hard to say, you stupid pigs, we have a lot of time, the game has just begun , hahahaha!" The bald-headed man had an expression of being convinced by several people.

"Shi Xiao, that's the person you brought. The boss said, to protect Miss Ning's safety, even if you don't do anything, you can't allow your subordinates to mess around!" Xiong Zhi ignored the bald man, but stared at Shi Xiao. Happy to drink.

Shi Xiao frowned deeply, although he didn't want to see that stupid woman, but he didn't want her to die.

"No shot!" Shi Xiao shouted, looking at the man in the white shirt.

"Damn it!" The man in the white shirt had a fierce look in his eyes, and he spat towards the ground: "Don't bother me! Boss Shi Xiao, you brought us to this arsenal. Why are you talking about the boss here? Look, what's here! It's an ambush! Immediately even I will die! It's just a bullshit showman! She is dead, and it is her honor to change my life!"

At this moment, don't let the white shirted man kill Ning Xi, as long as he can survive, even if he wants to kill Xiong Zhi, or even Shi Xiao, he will do it without hesitation!

"Don't worry, you have your rules of the game, and I have mine too." The corners of Ning Xi's mouth lifted, revealing a mysterious smile, and she took out another pistol from the box.

"Stupid pig, you are courting death! The rules of the game have changed, now you are not allowed to touch any guns, put them down immediately!" Seeing this, the foreign woman Alice stood up instantly.

"Dear Alice, those guns have no bullets, and the magazines are all empty, don't worry." The bald man laughed loudly, everything was under his control.

Since the bald man didn't care, Alice also shrugged and sat back where she was.

"Do you know that this is an Italian Boretta 92F pistol exclusively for the US military." Ning Xi opened the empty magazine and said softly.

"Yes, it is indeed Boretta, Italy, but so what, the game is over, can recognize it or not, the result is the same, you will be killed by your own people... Hahaha, think about it Thinking about it, I will feel extremely excited, seeing how beautiful you stupid pigs are killing each other, blood splattering everywhere!" The bald man's expression was almost sick.

Ning Xi shook her head, "The biggest feature of this pistol is the bullets of most small pistols..."

Before Ning Xi could finish her sentence, not far away, the man in white shirt rushed towards her like a gust of wind.

"Stinky bastard, go to hell!" the man in the white shirt yelled frantically.

"It's all universal..." At this moment, Ning Xi muttered to herself. At the same time, in an instant, her whole body almost jumped up, and under the surprised and disbelieving eyes of everyone, her knee hit the white shirt hard. Man's belly.

"Wow!" The white shirted man's face convulsed, the corners of his mouth twitched non-stop, he opened his mouth and spewed out a stream of viscous liquid, which was violently hit by Ning Xi's knee, and he staggered backwards backwards.

However, at the same time that the man in white shirt was retreating backward, Ning Xi, whose face was as cold as an iceberg, grabbed his right shoulder.


The man in the white shirt didn't even know what happened, but Ning Xi threw him to the ground again.

At the same time, a few extra bullets appeared in Ning Xi's hand, and they were loaded perfectly and coherently into the magazine that was always in her hand at lightning speed.

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