Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 446 What kind of marksmanship is that!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!


The white-clothed man hugged his head and howled. Ning Xi's terrifyingly powerful fighting skills far exceeded his expectations, and even made him completely powerless to fight back!

Kill that actress? What an international joke! Such a beautiful appearance, but such a terrifying skill! why is that!

At this moment, Ning Xi had already loaded the Italian Boretta 92F pistol with seven bullets in it.

Long before this, Ning Xi had discovered that the magazines of the guns in the box were all empty, and those foreigners would naturally not be stupid enough to put bullets in the magazines.

So, when she recognized the first gun, Ning Xi was already thinking about countermeasures.

The first time the gun was recognized was to delay time, a helpless move, the second time the gun was recognized was to make those foreigners relax their vigilance, as for the third recognition of the gun, Ning Xi had already thought about the countermeasures.

The jacket pocket of the white shirted man protruded, and the convex shape was exactly the shape of a bullet. Ning Xi couldn't have mistaken the shapes and shapes of various bullets. In addition, in a place like Philadelphia, ordinary people on the road People have a common habit. After the pistol they carry is filled with bullets, they will carry a few spare bullets with them, mostly in their jacket pockets, in case of emergency.

At first, Ning Xi found that those foreigners were too arrogant. They didn't disarm the pistol on the man in white shirt. They seemed to think that everything was under their control. Ning Xi wanted to take advantage of those foreigners. Out of arrogance, he directly snatched the pistol from the man in white shirt, but he gave up the idea in the end.

The gun carried by the man in the white shirt was a self-made gun. Ning Xi didn't know the range, penetration power, or accuracy, and had never touched it before. Xiong Zhi and the others will surely die.

However, in that box, there was one of Ning Xi's favorite Italian Boretta 92F pistols. She could guarantee that if she allowed herself to use the 2F pistol, there would be an 80% chance of resolving the incident. crisis.

Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi were dumbfounded. Ning Xi's performance was really amazing. Under that weak appearance, who would have thought that there was such a terrifying explosive power hidden!

At this moment, Ning Xi's Italian Boretta 92F pistol, which had been loaded with seven bullets, was already aimed at the bald man.

"Stupid pig, stupid pig!! Kill that bitch for me!" The bald man was so furious that an actor pointed a pistol at him! And that gun has been loaded with bullets!

The biggest advantage of the Italian Boretta 92F pistol is that it is almost 90% of the bullets produced by GM Philadelphia, and there is almost no difference in caliber.

While the bald man was speaking, he had already moved his pistol towards Ning Xi quickly, intending to shoot Ning Xi first. The bald man had strong confidence in his marksmanship.

However, what he didn't expect was that the gun in Ning Xi's hand had already fired in an instant before the gun could be aimed at Ning Xi.

boom! ! !

A muffled low sound spread throughout the audience, and at the same time as the gunshot rang out, there was already a bloody hole between the eyebrows of the bald man.


The bald man fell down in response, his body convulsed for a moment, and then died.

Until now, Ning Xi didn't even look at the bald man, her eyes just fell on Shi Xiao and the white-clothed man who hugged his head and howled.

"What kind of marksmanship is don't need to look at it..." Xiong Zhi's expression was shocked, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

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