Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 447 Her hand speed is too fast

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Not only Xiong Zhi, but even Shi Xiao's face was dull, his mind went blank, everything was beyond his original expectations and calculations, that actor named Ning Xi, is she really just an actress? !

"Just now, what were you talking about?" Ning Xi was like an iceberg, so cold that it made people shiver all over.

"Stinky bastard!"

"Fuck her to death!"

While Ning Xi was speaking, the other foreigners also came to their senses and realized what had happened. The arm holding the gun had just been raised, and before they could shoot Ning Xi...





A few more low-pitched gunshots rang out.

I saw those foreigners with guns staring wide-eyed, with bright red blood flowing from the center of their brows, and then, their bodies fell to the ground straight, and their pistols were thrown far away.

"Fast, too fast! Miss Ning... Her hand speed is really too fast!" Xiong Zhi couldn't help but marvel, and added: "Not only is it fast, but the accuracy has reached a terrifying level. This distance is exactly The German pistol in Miss Ning's hand has the limit of range, the limit of hand speed plus the limit of calculation ability... and the limit of accuracy! It can't be just an actor! She...what the hell is she doing!?"

Can an actor have this kind of ability? Even if Xiong Zhi was killed, he would never believe it.

At this moment, Xiong Zhi suddenly smiled wryly for no reason. He really didn't know what the boss was thinking. This kind of woman needs to be protected by himself? Does she need someone's protection? She went to protect others and still said the past!

Shi Xiao opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

From the beginning to the end, Ning Xi didn't even look at the foreigners. The guns in her hands seemed to be firing randomly, but the fact is that those foreigners didn't even have a chance to shoot. In just a split second, Ning Xi fired several shots. Fatal, in the blink of an eye, only the foreign woman Alice was left.

"Ah!" The white shirted man was still hugging his head and howling, like the sound of killing a pig.

"An eyesore... Get out!" Ning Xi threw her leg, forcefully kicking the white-clothed man a few meters away.

Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi didn't dare to show their spirits, especially Shi Xiao, although he wasn't afraid of Ning Xi's explosive power and extremely skilled fighting skills, but she had a gun in her hand...that terrifying marksmanship...

"You are very lucky. If you had dared to talk to me like this a few years ago, you would have been dead." Ning Xi glanced at Shi Xiao: "What I mean, you understand?"

"I...I know." Shi Xiao gritted his teeth, finally nodded submissively, and his instinct told him that he couldn't afford to provoke this woman.

"Miss Ning Xi, beat that woman to death!" Xiong Zhi hurriedly said seeing that Alice was still alive.

Ning Xi looked at Alice: "What did you say about me just now... you can only sell your body, kill me, just use your hands?"

Hearing the sound, Alice frowned, and said coldly: "In my eyes, you are nothing, you stupid pig!"

After saying that, Alice quickly drew her gun.


However, Ning Xi's muzzle was the first to burst into flames.

Alice exclaimed, Ning Xi's speed was too fast, much faster than her, and this bullet did not hit her body, instead it knocked the gun out of her hand.


Alice's gun was knocked into the air and hit the ground more than ten meters away.

"Awesome! Kill her!" Xiong Zhi was full of excitement.

"It's out of bullets." Ning Xi also threw the empty gun aside, "It's just right, and I need to keep a life alive."

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