Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 448 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Here

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"You're looking for death!" Alice stared angrily, and she ran like the wind, very agile, and punched Ning Xi.

"The red and black section...are you still this arrogant now?" Ning Xi shook her head, her expression indifferent, she didn't pay attention to Alice at all.

"Be careful, that woman is very powerful!" Xiong Zhi couldn't help reminding.

As soon as the words were finished, Ning Xi's right leg was suddenly raised, extremely agile, it was lifted up for a few minutes, and then swiftly and violently slashed down, forming two broken lines.


That foreign woman, Alice, had just gotten close to Ning Xi, and Ning Xi's kick had already landed. It was heavy and fast, and this kick hit Alice directly on the top of the head!

Almost at the same time, Alice's whole body seemed to lose consciousness and fell to the ground like mud.

"Dizzy...fainted?" Xiong Zhi was stunned, and Ning Xi's kick that knocked out the foreign woman was really amazing!

"I forgot to tell you... I'm a black belt." Ning Xi glanced at Alice who was in a coma, and said calmly.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi looked at each other in blank dismay, both of them were stupefied, they were almost numb from shock...

"Ning Xi—"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

this voice...

Lu Tingxiao? !

"Lord BOSS!!!!" Ning Xi ran over, walked up to the man, looked him up and down, made sure he was intact, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, "You're fine! That's great!! !"

"You..." At this moment, Lu Tingxiao's complexion was extremely ugly, his whole body seemed to be burning in a raging fire, and he felt anxious, "Who gave you permission to come here?"

It was the first time that Ning Xi saw Lu Tingxiao so angry and frightening, she shrank her shoulders when she was yelled at, "Master Boss, hello... so scary..."

Lu Tingxiao gritted his teeth, "Are you still afraid?"

Ning Xi pointed at her finger, with a pitiful expression, and said weakly, "How can you not be afraid, she is a girl after all, she was almost scared to death just now, her calves were trembling! Lord Boss, you Stop yelling at me, please comfort~ please touch me~"


Shi Xiao: "..."

Xiong Zhi: "..."

The corners of their mouths were twitching, their heads were full of black lines. Is this woman smart? She was so arrogant just now that she was about to go to heaven. Where did she look scared at all?

BOSS will believe that she is a ghost! ! !

"You..." Lu Tingxiao looked at the panicked expression on the girl's face, even though he was burned by the flames, he could only endure it forcefully, not daring to hurt her in the slightest, with a frozen face, he took a deep breath and finally suppressed it. To suppress the anger in my heart, I stretched out my broad palm and touched the girl's head, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Ning Xi let out a long sigh of relief, and secretly patted her chest. Finally, she escaped a catastrophe. It's too scary for the boss to get angry.

After that, he continued to blink his eyes and said weakly, "Hmm... I won't be afraid when I see Lord Boss! As long as... as long as you don't yell at me..."

Lu Tingxiao looked apologetic, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure for a while, and I won't do it next time."

Shi Xiao: "..."

Xiong Zhi: "..."

Blind our dog eyes!

Who is this?

This is their big boss Lu Tingxiao?

Are you kidding me?

Isn't this person their boss, but another trap for the enemy?

The only person on the scene who was calm was Cheng Feng, who was following Lu Tingxiao, pushing his glasses on the bridge of his nose, with an expression of "I'm still not calm because of my short-sightedness".

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