Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 449 Pretending to be a Pig and Eating a Boss

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

On the car leaving the armory.

Knowing that Lu Tingxiao was fine, Ning Xi finally relaxed and stared blankly at the scenery outside the car window.

Philadelphia...the last time I came here, it was still a bustling city...

Now only the devastation left by the war...

When Ning Xi was looking out the window, Lu Tingxiao's secretive eyes were on her.

No matter how seamlessly he planned everything, he never expected that the moment he brought people here and opened the warehouse, he would see Ning Xi, who was far away in China, appear here, in such a dangerous place!

Not as good as his mind was broken, and he was shocked by another scene.

The girl shot in an instant, and everyone was killed by her gun in an instant, and she subdued the foreign woman with a sharp blow...

At that moment, the cold eyes of the girl in front of him and the aura around her were so strange, there was no familiar shadow on her body, just like another stranger.

he knows……

That girl is still Ning Xi...

That was her in the past...

However, when she flew towards him in surprise and said pitifully that she was afraid, he knew that she was still his girl.

Ning Xi turned her head inadvertently, and faced Lu Tingxiao's deep gaze, she couldn't help swallowing nervously, "Uh, Mr. Boss... what do you think I'm doing... Maybe I'm going to settle accounts after the fall? Are you really angry? of!"

Lu Tingxiao withdrew his thoughts, "I still have some things to deal with in Philadelphia. Do you want to go back to China first, or come with me?"

Ning Xi thought for a while and immediately replied, "I'll go back with you!"

After finishing speaking, he explained, "Anyway, I don't have much work these days, so it's hard to come here, and it's considered a trip to wander around!"

Hearing this, Lu Tingxiao looked at her coldly, and his tone was a little cold, "If you go with me, you are not allowed to leave my sight for a few days."

"Huh?" Ning Xi had a bitter face, "Aren't I going to suffocate to death?"

Lu Tingxiao's face darkened instantly.

Seeing this, Ning Xi quickly changed her words, "No, no! How can it be boring to be with Lord Boss! It's a great honor for me to accompany Sheng Jia..."

In the back seat of the car.

Xiong Zhi coughed lightly, and lowered his voice, "Miss Ning Xi... isn't she really schizophrenic?"

Shi Xiao rolled his eyes at him, "Smart ass! Haven't you seen it yet? She's clearly pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

"Tiger...Tiger refers to the BOSS?" Xiong Zhi was still at a loss, "Then how do you explain the attitude of the BOSS towards Miss Ning Xi?"

This time, Shi Xiao had nothing to say, he choked and muttered: "I don't know, I'm so scared to pee!" Before, he almost thought that the BOSS was someone else's fake!

Cheng Feng, who was busy dealing with documents, finally couldn't listen any longer. He raised his head and glanced at the two of them, "What do you two single dogs know? This is the power of love!"

The car drove all the way to the safe zone.

In the hotel, Lu Tingxiao took her directly to his suite.

First, he led her to sit on the sofa, and then went to the balcony to make a phone call.

A while later, Cheng Feng brought over a PSP game console, fashion magazines, and a bunch of snacks.

After Ning Xi was settled, Lu Tingxiao called his subordinates for a meeting. There was a window in the middle of the meeting room, so he could clearly see Ning Xi in the opposite living room.

He really managed not to leave his line of sight at all...

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