Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 451 Just For One Woman

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The Italian man said, spreading his hands innocently, "Dear fellow, you can't blame me for this. It was Lu Tingxiao who I wanted to kill. She came to my door by herself, killed all my people, captured Alice, and destroyed All my plans!"

Speaking of this, a gloomy cold light flashed in the Italian man's eyes, frightening those beauties who were still clinging to him just now, they didn't dare to approach him now.

The black-haired man seemed unaware, and said expressionlessly, "Mr. Augustine, you violated our covenant."

The Italian man stood up unsteadily, smiled indifferently, and was about to pat him on the shoulder, "Hey buddy, take it easy, Satan hasn't done anything for a long time, I'm just helping him!"

The black-haired man quickly avoided Augustine before he touched his body, still with an expressionless face: "Mr. alliance, so far."

The Italian man was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then his expression changed instantly, and he said in a gloomy tone, "Do you know what you are talking about? Whose order is this!"


The Italian man pushed away a beautiful woman next to him, with an extremely gloomy expression on his face, "Then let him talk to me in person! You're a fart!"

In the next second, the black-haired man turned the laptop on the coffee table to the direction of the Italian man.

What I saw on the computer screen was a dimly lit room. A man was sitting on a large seat. The figure of the man was shrouded in the darkness, and he could only vaguely see his head tilted and his slender legs...

"Satan, you want to tear up the covenant! Just for a woman?" The Italian man showed an angry expression at the computer screen, like an angry lion.

Compared to the furious Italian man, the voice of the man on the screen seemed to just wake up, and he said lazily and casually, "Just for a woman."

"You're kidding me!!!" The Italian man thought he was just making up an excuse, and kicked over the table next to him, his handsome face was extremely ferocious at the moment, "Tear up the covenant, you should think about the consequences!"

The man on the screen seemed to chuckle, "Consequences? Tang Ye, tell Augustine."

"Yes." The black-haired man nodded, and then looked at the Italian man with no human emotion in his cold eyes: "From now on, all transactions between us will also be terminated."

As soon as the words fell, the drunkenness on Augustine's face finally dissipated, his eyes were scarlet, and his handsome face was extremely distorted.

The termination of all transactions means that they have lost 90% of their sources of arms...

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll let you know now the consequences of betraying your allies!!!"

As Augustine's words fell, the music in the bar suddenly stopped, and seven or eight strong men with guns rose up, and the muzzles of the black holes were aimed directly at Tang Ye. Now only an order from Augustine is needed, and Tang Ye will be killed. Strain into a sieve.

However, at this moment, Tang Ye suddenly slowly took off the cold-glowing gold-rimmed glasses, then stood up, adjusted his cuffs slightly, and when he raised his head to look at Augustine again, the original indifference in his eyes turned into a trace It was almost abnormally weird and crazy, and even the tone was a bit sinister, "Mr. Augustine, I think you made a mistake."

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