Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 452 Dear Junior Sister

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"You stupid weak chicken! What did I do wrong!" Augustine said viciously.

At this time, an extremely pleasant low laugh suddenly came from the computer, "Hehe, what an interesting name...Tang Ye, I wish you a pleasant night."

After speaking, the computer went black.

Hearing what the man in the computer said just now, Augustine felt inexplicably uneasy...

Tang Ye, the black-haired man in front of him, is Satan's second-in-command. He is extremely sensitive to numbers and is in charge of the most core accounts of the entire organization. He is protected by experts around him, but he is powerless.

This kind of weak chicken... is alone in his territory at this moment... what danger can it be...

However, although he has never seen Tang Ye make a move, it doesn't seem to mean that he has no skill at all?

Hmph, even if he has some ability, this place is full of his people, and with so many guns pointed at him, he can still turn the world upside down!

Augustine's expression became more and more fierce, and he ordered his men to attack him. However, at this moment, Tang Ye, who took off his glasses, suddenly changed into a black shadow, whose speed seemed to surpass that of ordinary humans. The limit, almost in the blink of an eye, has escaped from the muzzles of those black holes.

At that moment, Augustine felt chills all over his body, as if some kind of inexplicable evil had occupied his body.

In the next second, the aorta on the neck was pressed against by a bone-piercing dagger, and the pain made Augustine more awake.

"Generally speaking, if you want to kill me, you need at least a fully armed special team...Mr. Augustine, are you looking down on Mr. Tang, or...overestimating yourself!" No After being blocked by the glasses, Tang Ye's extremely deep eyes showed a morbid madness.

"You, you, you... Tang Ye, you have thought clearly! What will be the consequences of going against us!" Augustine trembled, and no matter what, he never thought that Tang Ye's skills had reached this level.

"Mr. Augustine, let me remind you, this is Las Vegas... Just now Tang said that the so-called consequences are something only you need to consider..."

After Tang Ye said, the dagger in his hand flashed coldly, and with Augustine's screams, one of his ears was cut off, and the blood splashed out dyed the ground bright red.

Tang Ye licked the corners of his mouth wantonly, eyes full of bloodthirsty pleasure, and said quietly, "You should thank God, my dear little junior sister is unscathed, and it will be your useless men who died, otherwise..."

Before Augustine could speak, dozens of men dressed in black poured out from outside the bar like a wave. Without saying a word, those men took out dozens of guns and fired at Augustine's men indiscriminately.

At most, within a few breaths, Augustine's subordinates died before they even had time to resist.

At this moment, Augustine was ashamed.

Sure enough, people around Satan should never be taken lightly. This time, he made a fatal mistake...

Tang Ye put on his glasses, took a white square handkerchief from a man in black, wiped his hands, and resumed his gentle demeanor, "Mr. Augustine, today is a lesson for you, I hope you will remember it."

Hearing the sound, Augustine nodded repeatedly while covering his bloody ears, his eyes were terrified to the extreme, "I...I understand, I will leave Las Vegas immediately and never come back!"

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