Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 453 Convinced

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Thank you for your cooperation." After Tang Ye said, he led the men in black and walked straight out of the bar.

Augustine's face was full of fear, and at the same time, his heart was filled with anger to the limit. He will settle this account clearly and get back even the capital with interest!

"A group of inferior and lowly yellow people! One day, I will send you all to hell!"

The moment Augustine's voice fell, Tang Ye's figure moved slightly, and the dagger in his hand shot out like an arrow——

"Ah!" Augustine didn't know what happened, but his left ear was cut off by the dagger.

"Mr. Augustine, it seems that ears are just superfluous decorations for you." Tang Ye said, and finally walked away with satisfaction. In the bar, only Augustine, who kept crying miserably, and corpses all over the floor were left.



Philadelphia, inside the hotel.

After sending the text message, Ning Xi threw the phone away angrily.

After the other party replied the sentence "Of course this is the point", there was no reply.

This feeling of being manipulated by someone at any time like a marionette, and always on tenterhooks, is really too bad!

This time she was lucky, what if she meets a more difficult opponent next time?

Ning Xi stared blankly at Lu Tingxiao who looked cold behind the opposite glass window, a faint light flashed in her eyes, no...she can't continue to sit and wait...

Lu Tingxiao, who was lost in thought and listening to his subordinate's report, suddenly raised his head and looked in Ning Xi's direction.

Ning Xi immediately sat up straight with an expression of a good baby. After thinking for a while, she found a piece of white paper and a pen, and wrote a line roughly—[Master Boss, can I go to the bathroom? Take a pen]

After burying his head in writing, he lifted it up and waved it in front of Lu Tingxiao's eyes.

Lu Tingxiao noticed the white paper in the girl's hand, and after reading clearly the words on it, the corners of his mouth, which had been cold and tense, slightly curled up.

The subordinate who was talking paused when he saw this, a little silly.

Lu Tingxiao calmly picked up the pen on the table, changed his posture, and reminded his subordinates, "Continue."

After getting an affirmative answer, Ning Xi ran away in a hurry, feeling like she was back in the days of elementary school students, and she had to raise her hand to ask the teacher for instructions when going to the bathroom...

As night fell, the meeting finally came to an end.

Shi Xiao talked to Cheng Feng while walking, and he still couldn't come to his senses, "So, the boss knew that Hong Zhenhao had a problem, and he deliberately indulged him. This time, he went deep into Philadelphia on purpose. Who is the person..."

Cheng Feng nodded, "Yes. It's just that the final result deviated a bit from our expectation. Although the opponent appeared in Philadelphia as we expected, it was not the person we expected, but another wave of people. , our plan was also disrupted... This time, if it wasn't for Miss Ning Xi's unexpected appearance, you wouldn't be able to delay our arrival, maybe you really have to explain where it is..."

Shi Xiao's face turned red when he heard the words, and he said in a muffled voice, "Even if I really confess, it's my fault that I'm not as good as others... This time, it was indeed that woman who saved me. I have nothing to say, and I am convinced!"

Although this incident was planned by the boss, he was even more frustrated.

The BOSS repeatedly told him not to act recklessly and to think twice before acting, but he still believed Hong Zhenhao easily as soon as he got hotheaded.

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