Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 457 Everything is possible

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ling Zhizhi nodded, "Yes, this brand is very small, and many people are unfamiliar with it. In fact, Noble is a well-known salon perfume brand with an age of more than two centuries. It has always been the favorite of royal dignitaries and popular stars. So far, there have been more than 240 privately customized and publicly available fragrance types. It can be said that each one is a legend.

Noble has never been publicly sold in the domestic region before, so the popularity in China is not high. However, some time ago, I got news that Noble is planning to expand the Huaguo market, and is currently auditioning spokespersons across the country, including Xiangcheng, Taizhou, and Australia. "

Ning Xi blinked, "Sister Zhizhi wants to sign up for me?"

"I've already signed up. I sent the other party a clip of you in "The World". It was just a random test, but I just received a notification from the other party that you passed the primary election!" Ling Zhizhi said.

Hearing Lin Zhizhi's answer, Ning Xi's eyes immediately brightened, "What? I'm in the primary election? But, in order to open up the domestic market, luxury brands like this shouldn't be the popular girls like Su Yimo. star?"

"That's true, so I'm actually surprised that you were selected. Su Yimo didn't participate in the audition, because she has already accepted Chanel. Apart from clothing and cosmetics, Chanel also produces perfume, so it is impossible to accept Noble.

However, without Su Yimo, and the elites of various entertainment companies across the country, almost all of them are first-line and super-a-line actresses, your competitive pressure will be very heavy. So, even though the opportunity is rare, you don't have to be nervous, this time is a surprise, it's best if you can get it, and it's okay if you don't get it. "Lin Zhizhi comforted her.

Even though she got into the primary election, she didn't hold out too much hope, she just wanted Ning Xi to learn more.

For such a high-end brand, for a young rookie like Ning Xi, even if she just entered the primary election, it was already a qualification.

"Yeah, I know, Sister Zhizhi, I'll keep a normal mind, and I'll just go get experience!" Ning Xi said modestly.

In fact, I have a lot of ambitions in my heart. Even in the most unfavorable environment, everything is possible until the last second!

"By the way, Miss Zhizhi, what is the theme of this perfume endorsement?" Ning Xi asked.

"There are only two words, noble. The preparation time is three days. After three days, the final audition will be held in Los Angeles, M Country." Ling Zhizhi replied.

Ning Xi murmured, "Three days... is enough, I will think about how to express this theme in the next few days!"

As for country M, she is even more familiar with it, and there is no pressure at all.

"The theme this time is nobility, and I will definitely use a full outfit. If there is any need, I will try my best to help you apply to the company." Ling Zhizhi said.

"Okay, I will tell you when the time comes, thank you sister Zhizhi, I will go back and prepare~"

three days later.

Country M, Los Angeles Airport, Ning Xi took off her sunglasses, looked at the unfamiliar yet familiar environment, her gaze shifted, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

A year later, she came back here again.

A year ago, she was still wandering around without a fixed place, and a year later, her dream has begun to set sail...

This time, although Lin Zhizhi didn't have too much hope, she personally accompanied her there.

After all, all the big names in the country would be there, and she was worried that Ning Xi wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Ning Xi, you really don't need anything?" Ling Zhizhi asked a little worriedly.

Ning Xi nodded firmly, "I don't need anything, the things I need are very simple, and I have already prepared them myself!"

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