Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 458 Crazy Shape

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

next morning.

In the Nobel company building, take the elevator to the top floor, pass through a glass showcase of various classic perfumes, and arrive at the audition location today.

Ning Xi followed behind Lin Zhizhi, as soon as she entered, her eyes were almost blinded.

There are a lot of superstars inside, each of whom is a well-known celebrity, and there are only a few newcomers who are more face-to-face. Moreover, in order to match the theme of "nobility" today, all of them are dressed very dazzlingly.

Most of the people knew each other, and they were politely chatting and connecting with each other at the moment, while the newcomers seized the opportunity to curry favor with a few big names, and it was very lively inside.

The moment Ning Xi appeared at the door, everyone was stunned, and the entire waiting room could hear the sound of needles falling.

Of course, it couldn't be because a newcomer like Ning Xi was too famous to surprise everyone, but because, compared to those popular actresses with their rich clothes and jewels, Ning Xi's clothes were too abrupt.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is crazy.

Ning Xi faced the sky, wearing a dirty earth-colored dress, slightly old brown leather shoes, without any accessories on her body, and she didn't even do any styling. Her slightly messy hair was casually scattered behind her .

After a while, everyone had a strange look, because most of the people in the room were big names, and they spoke without any scruples, and without lowering their voices, they started discussing directly in front of Ning Xi:

"Who is this! Dressed like a beggar... Did you go to the wrong place?"

"Probably not! Didn't you see that she was brought here by Ling Zhizhi!"

Although these people didn't know Ning Xi, the gold medal manager Lin Zhizhi who brought out Leng Manyun was still unknown in the circle.

After seeing Ling Zhizhi, those people all showed expressions of disbelief, "Ah! I remembered! This woman in rags must be the new little artist that Ling Zhizhi brought?"

"Even if Leng Manyun left, with Ling Zhizhi's qualifications, she wouldn't be able to bring someone like this?"

"Is Shengshi Entertainment so poor? Doesn't even have a decent stylist?"

"How can Shengshi Entertainment be poor? After all, it's just not paying attention!"

"Leng Manyun retired because of a man, Lin Zhizhi couldn't shirk her responsibility, she didn't even care about her artists! I heard that she was kept in the dark, as a manager, until Leng Manyun posted on Weibo Only when it is announced!"

"Looks like Lin Zhizhi's ability is nothing more than that, and Zhao Meixin is the number one gold medal manager in Shengshi!"


At this time, a first-line actress from Xinghui Entertainment walked up to Lin Zhizhi, with a concerned expression on her face, but her eyes were obviously full of sarcasm, "Sister Lin, bring an artist over to audition?"

Ling Zhizhi nodded slightly, "I signed up for her casually, but I didn't expect to enter the primary election, so I brought her here to accumulate experience."

These words are both modest and decent, and they don't put themselves too low.

Breaking out of the siege among the popular actresses in the country is already a manifestation of strength in itself.

Xinghui Actress had a regretful expression on her face, and while looking at Ning Xi behind her, she shook her head and smacked her tongue, "Sister Lin, I didn't mean you, even if you came to run with me, you can't give up on yourself! Or... With Leng Manyun gone, are you in such a state of desperation? Since this is the case, why don't you stay in the prosperous world as an agent, and come to be my assistant? Although the salary is not high, it is worse than you with a worthless young man. Newcomers are welcome!"

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