Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 459 Audition Begins

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Xinghui and Shengshi have always been rivals. The actress who spoke was called Li Leling. Leng Manyun robbed her of the title of actress several times. It was rare to see Lin Zhizhi down and out, so naturally she would not miss such a good opportunity to ridicule her.

Seeing the two sides pinching each other, the people next to them all had an attitude of watching the show.

Someone made fun of it deliberately, "Speaking of which, I happen to be short of an assistant too! I wonder if Sister Lin is interested?"

Li Leling had a happy expression, "Hehe, I didn't expect Sister Lin to be so popular. Even if the little rookie at hand can't get up, don't worry about having no way out!"


Ning Xi watched Lin Zhizhi being besieged by a group of big names in the circle, a gloomy light flashed in her eyes, she remembered Ling Zhizhi's explanation, no matter what happened, try not to speak as much as possible, and found a quiet corner Sit down, close your eyes slightly, free from external interference, and concentrate on brewing emotions.

Not long after, auditions began.

The order Ning Xi drew was pretty good, there were thirty people in total, and she got the middle number.

Li Leling drew number fourteen, looked at Ning Xi's number plate with fifteen written on it, shook his head and sighed, "Tsk, such a good number, what a pity..."

Soon, the first interviewer went in.

The strength of the first interviewer was terrifying enough. Although his family background and education were not high, and he was not from a major, he relied on his own strength to fight all the way to the position of Queen of the Golden Palm.

Seeing Fang Xiaowen go in first, many audition actresses showed nervous expressions, but Li Leling was full of disdain, "He is just a rural person with elementary school education, how can such a person understand the definition of noble?"

Although Li Leling doesn't have any particularly dazzling titles, but she is not low in popularity, her biggest advantage is that her family background is very rich, her father is a high-ranking official, and her mother is a famous clothing industry tycoon. proficient.

Among all the actresses present, there may be some who are more popular than her, but almost none of them have a higher family background than her.

Today Li Leling's outfit alone is probably more expensive than Nobel's endorsement fee, no wonder she is so confident.

In less than a minute, Fang Xiaowen came out.

Her manager immediately went up to her to ask about her situation. Fang Xiaowen shook her head with a gloomy expression. The manager was a little disappointed, but he was still comforting her by the side.

Li Leling folded his arms around his chest, with a predictable expression, "Hey, I knew that a country bumpkin is still noble..."

Apart from Li Leling, there are other actresses from good families who obviously look down on Shang Xiaowen, and their expressions are a little mocking at the moment.

Seeing the eyes of everyone ridiculing and laughing at her overreaching, Fang Xiaowen rushed out unbearably. Although she had already achieved the position of actress, she still couldn't get rid of the influence of her family background and education...

In the corner, Ning Xi opened her eyes and looked at Fang Xiaowen's leaving back, a trace of regret appeared in her eyes.

It's a pity for Fang Xiaowen. With her acting skills and popularity, this endorsement was originally easy...

The second actress who went in for an interview had a rich coal boss father, who threw a lot of money in the entertainment industry to get her out, but she still came out in less than a minute.

The parents of the third actress are also from the entertainment industry, and she worked hard enough. A typical capable person, she persisted for three minutes, but still failed in the end...



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