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Watching the audition actresses go in and out one by one, some of them are super-first-line, and the pressure on the next ones will inevitably increase.

Especially, when the audition hall continued to hear the horrible scolding from Cook, the director of Nobel commercials.

Cook's Chinese is very good. If he swears, everyone outside can hear him clearly...

"Did they really understand what I said? I doubt they have a problem with their IQ! What I want is nobility! It's elegance! Not a soulless puppet dancing on a music box!"

"Fang Xiaowen? No, no, she can't! Her performance is very good, but her eyes betrayed her humble soul!"

"Xu Jiaojiao? Are you kidding me? She's like a walking jewelry rack! Very vulgar!"

"Meng Shiyi? She may be an excellent actress, but she is definitely not the moon-like goddess in my mind!"

"The last one? You said number 13! Oh God! She's trying to deceive me maliciously! She doesn't know anything about Guqin!"


Listening to Cook's extremely harsh and blatantly critical, the faces of the proud actresses outside were not very good.

"Does this ghost know anything? He just approved everyone!"

"I think he is simply prejudiced against the Chinese!"

"It's too ugly to speak! I said it's just a performance. It's not enough to act for a while. How can I really know it! According to his logic, isn't an actor proficient in all three hundred and sixty lines!"


"Oh, only those who have no strength will find excuses from others."

Soon it was No. 14's turn, Li Leling left this sentence, and walked into the audition hall with confident steps.

When Li Leling pushed the door and entered, Cook, who was originally full of anger, froze for a moment.

I saw Li Leling wearing a retro and luxurious Chinese-style cheongsam, a string of valuable pearl necklaces around her neck, her hair tied up in a bun, and a transparent jasper hairpin inserted. A good display of the characteristics of Huaguo.

After seeing Li Leling, Cook's eyes lit up immediately, and his attitude softened a lot, "Oh, my dear baby, come here, come here! Let me take a good look!"

Li Leling let Cook scrutinize her without any timidity. She was educated by aristocrats since she was a child, and her every word, deed, and smile naturally revealed a noble temperament, and she didn't need to act at all.

After Cook looked at her, he was very satisfied, "Miss Li, now you can start your performance!"

The audition hall is very large, and there are many kinds of props in it, including guzheng, piano, writing brush, chess, needlework, fan, handkerchief...

Li Leling glanced casually, and touched a Guqin with her plain hand, "This one!"

Compared with Guzheng, Guqin is more difficult. It has a range of four octaves and two tones. It has seven loose tones, ninety-one overtones, and one hundred and forty-seven notes. There are many playing techniques.

If you want to pretend to deceive Cook casually, it is impossible. Cook has lived in China for 20 years and loves Chinese culture deeply. It was a fluke, but he was humiliated mercilessly by Cook...

Seeing that Li Leling also chose the guqin, Cook's eyes were a little scrutinized, but when she started playing, Cook's eyes gradually changed...

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