Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 462 Forgot the words for a while

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Li Leling took a sip of the fruit drink brought by his assistant, and was overjoyed, "Tsk, it's even more exciting than I imagined! Since I knew it would fail, why bother trying to do it? Do you think there will be a miracle?"

After Li Leling finished speaking, she picked up her phone and made a call with a leisurely expression, "Hello, Xueluo~"

"Le Ling, have you finished your audition? How's the result?" A gentle voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, it just ended! The result? Naturally, it lived up to your expectations!" Among the first thirteen, there were a few opponents she was more afraid of, but in the latter ones, there was no competitor at all, and she was completely sure of winning.

"I knew you would be fine!"

"Hehe, thank you for letting me, otherwise, this endorsement must be yours!"

"Look at what you said, they are all sisters. What are you talking about! Besides, you helped me a lot. The big deal in my father's company last time was thanks to you for helping me introduce your mother!"

"It's just a small thing! By the way, do you know who I saw just now?"

"Who is it?"

"Your family's adopted daughter from the countryside, Ning Xi!"

"How did she go to the audition?"

"Who knows what kind of bad luck she had, she actually passed the initial test, but thanks to her luck, I was able to see a good show, you know? The theme of our commercial is noble, and she turned out to be unkempt and dressed Come here like a beggar!"

"What? Is she crazy!"

"I think it's almost the same! This kind of person is so jealous because of you, she can kill herself! Well, I won't tell you, wait until I come back in triumph!"


Meanwhile, in the audition hall.

Facing Cook's incredulous gaze and ridicule, Ning Xi stood there quietly, her expression unchanged, her eyes clear and clean.

On the contrary, Cook, facing such a pair of clear eyes, inexplicably gave birth to an illusion of guilt...

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the girl's dress today, but compared to the extravagant and eye-catching actresses outside, it seems too perfunctory and casual.

Although the dress on her body looked dirty and old, it was actually clean and tidy. The little face with no make-up reminded him of a poem from Huaguo, "Clear water brings out hibiscus, and natural ones can be carved."

However, facing such a completely unprepared auditioner, Cook still felt insulted, and he was still determined to eliminate her directly.

"You! I'm talking to you, don't you understand Chinese? You have been eliminated, please leave here immediately and don't affect the people behind!" He didn't even have the mood to read her name.

When Cook yelled loudly, Ning Xi had already walked to the Guqin that Li Leling had just played, and plucked the strings a few times with her fingers seemingly casually.

Cook became even more angry when he saw this, "Please don't touch Dao at random..."

Before he finished speaking, a series of extremely smooth and skillful piano sounds lingered in his ears...

"This...this actually know Guangling San!" Cook looked slightly startled. This is one of the most difficult pieces of Guqin music, and Li Leling just selected only one piece "Wuye Wuqiufeng".

Ning Xi said nothing, and slowly sat down in front of the guqin, and continued to play.

Cook was attracted by the increasingly turbulent sound of the piano, and for a moment he forgot his words...

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