Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 463 Perfectly fit the theme

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Guangling San" is one of the ten famous Guqin pieces in the music history of Huaguo. Its melody is passionate and generous. Spiritual, highly ideological and artistic.

Listening to the girl's Naqu Guangling San, Cook's expression became more and more shocked.

This is his favorite among all guqin pieces, because it is not a melody, it expresses a spirit of resistance and will to fight.

What shocked him even more was that he never imagined that, as a girl, she was not only skilled in technique, but could also accurately play the aura of Guangling San...

Cook was completely immersed in the sound of the piano. He stared blankly at the girl in front of him. Her clothes were not bright. Sitting in front of that guqin, when she started to play the music...

Although she dresses like a beggar, no one will think that she is really a beggar. There must be a story about her...

After playing a song, Cook couldn't recover for a long time.

After a long while, he suppressed his excitement and said, "Miss, your Guangling San is beyond my imagination!"

"Thank you." Ning Xi nodded her head slightly in thanks, her expression calm.

Whether the girl in front of him was reprimanded or praised, she was always flattered and humiliated, which made him feel that there was a trace of nobility in this girl...

right! It is noble!

And it is the kind of nobility that only true nobles can have!

Even if you are down and out, the noble atmosphere in your bones will never change!

It's amazing! Just now everyone couldn't give him this feeling, even Li Leling's performance he couldn't give full marks, he felt it was too deliberate and polished.

Why did this girl dressed like a beggar in front of him actually give him a noble feeling?

Cook took a deep look at the girl, feeling overwhelmed with excitement, and managed to calm down and continue the audition, "Excuse me, how do you understand the meaning of the word noble?"

The answers of those artists just now are roughly the same. They think that being noble means being knowledgeable, both internally and externally. He naturally agrees with this answer.

At this moment, he was looking forward to the answer from the girl in front of him.

After hearing Cook's question, Ning Xi knew that Cook had already recognized her performance just now, and now she only had one last step left.

After deliberating on her wording, she began to describe, "In my opinion, true elegance is not about showing the name of a luxury brand between the lines, not turning the expensive ornaments on the wrist, or showing off one's beauty and knowledge. Clothes are ragged, unkempt, and the noble aura cannot be concealed."

Hearing this, Cook's eyes lit up, and his whole face began to light up.

Ning Xi went on to say, "Smelling a woman knows a woman. Perfume can reflect a person's taste more than any other luxury. I think that for a woman, perfume is more important than clothes, just like temperament is more important than appearance.

Perfume is one of the classic fashion elements. Different from other fashion elements, such as clothing, makeup and hairstyle, perfume is the most classic and durable. Good taste never goes out of style. "

Cook couldn't control his surprise when he heard it, and nodded repeatedly, "That's right! You said it very well!"

This girl's interpretation really fits their theme perfectly!

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