Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 604 What the hell is Elder Brother

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"What did that text message say? I've never seen my sister-in-law so scared! Could it be some danger?" Lu Jingli sighed, "It's a pity I didn't take a peek just now!"

As soon as the words fell, the little bun next to him immediately pricked up his ears, and then wrote on the clipboard: [Dangerous? ]

Lu Jingli rolled his eyes, "Xiaobao, did you see what was written in the text message that Auntie Xiao Xi received just now? If you know, you must tell Dad and Second Uncle, because it is really important! I'm afraid your Auntie Xiaoxi will really be in danger!"

Little Treasure looked at Lu Tingxiao uncertainly.

Lu Tingxiao nodded.

This time it wasn't Lu Jingli talking nonsense, when Ning Xi left just now, his expression was really not right.

Knowing that Aunt Xiao Xi might be in danger, Xiao Bao immediately put his head down and began to write.

Lu Tingxiao and Lu Jingli looked over nervously.

I saw that Xiaobao quickly restored the content of the text message: [See you on the roof tonight. ——big brother]

After seeing the content on Xiaobao's writing board, Lu Tingxiao and Lu Jingli's expressions changed at the same time.

"Fuck! What the hell, big brother! He even asked him to meet on the top of the building at night! Nima, it can't really be a peach blossom robbery or something, right? No, if that's the case, Ning Xi might as well not go! Why rush over there in such a hurry?" The more Lu Jingli thought about it, the more something went wrong, and he had no idea.

Just as he was muttering suspiciously, when he looked up, he saw his brother's face reflected in the rearview mirror, it was horrifying to the extreme.

It's a thousand times more terrifying than when I just heard that Ning Xi used beauty tricks on Xi Shiqing, it's not at the same level at all!

"Brother...what's wrong? Is something wrong?" Seeing Lu Tingxiao's expression, Lu Jingli was a little apprehensive.

Lu Tingxiao did not speak, but made a phone call.

When Lu Jingli saw the number, he was startled.

Fuck, what did his brother contact "Jin Yiwei" for?

Could Ning Xi be in any danger?

It seems that there is only one possibility, the identity of that senior brother is not simple!

Could it be... Could it be related to the person they have been investigating recently?

Afterwards, Lu Tingxiao made a second call, and the butler soon rushed over to pick up Xiaobao.

As soon as Xiaobao was caught by the rhythm, Lu Tingxiao immediately kicked the accelerator, and the car drove away as fast as an arrow from Li Xuan.

Sitting in the back, Lu Jingli almost vomited, ", your brother, your real brother is still in the car..."

At that time, Ning Xi had already rushed back to Pearl River Royal View as quickly as possible.

After arriving, I didn't even go back home. I took the elevator directly to the top floor, then climbed up the ladder, pushed open the dusty skylight, and went to the top of the building.

Tang Ye's text message only gave a vague time. Tonight, I don't know what time it is.

To be on the safe side, Ning Xi rushed over early, then sat down on the ground and began to rack her brains. The more she thought about it, the more disturbed she became.

Eldest brother actually came to find her...

The senior brother who sits in the organization and rarely leaves actually came to the country to find her in person...

This alone was enough to make Ning Xi terrified.

What did the elder brother do when he came to China last time?

By the way, it seems to be here to perform an S-level mission!

So what about this time?

Why did he come all the way here?

Ning Xi waited for this from the setting sun until the lights came up.

It was quiet on the balcony, and there was no movement at all.

Ning Xi almost suspected that this was a prank!

It's a pity, if this text message was sent by the second senior brother, it might be a prank, but senior brother, it's impossible!

He really will come.

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