Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 605 Never Treated Her as a Woman

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

At the same time, Ning Xi was downstairs in a corner with a wide view.

A black Maybach parked quietly, not far away, a small armed force was hidden, waiting to be dispatched at any time.

As the night gradually fell, the air seemed to freeze, and everyone's heart was tense.

In the dark, Cheng Feng's cell phone rang suddenly. He was carrying out an important task, and he didn't want to answer it at first, but after seeing the caller, he finally picked it up.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

"Brother Feng, why didn't you call me when you have a mission?" The person who spoke was Shi Xiao.

Immediately afterwards, Xiong Zhi's voice came from the other end of the phone: "There is still me and me!"

Obviously the two are together at the moment.

Cheng Feng frowned, "This mission is related to Miss Ning, are you sure you want to participate?"

There was a long silence on the phone.

"Think." After a while, Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi said in unison.

Cheng Feng slightly raised his brows, "It's good that you can figure it out, but it's a pity that considering your performance last time, it's impossible for the boss to let you participate in this kind of mission again."

"Then...then what should I do?" Shi Xiao's tone was tense.

Nima, protect the proprietress! Is there a more important task than this?

As a result, they were excluded.

What's the difference between this and being thrown into limbo?

Cheng Feng sighed when he heard the words, he knew from the beginning that this kid would regret it one day, isn't this...

"Brother Feng, please intercede with the boss for us!" Xiong Zhi said.

Cheng Feng looked helpless and said, "I don't have that ability, but I can show you a clear way. If you want to ask someone to intercede...then go to Miss Ning for help!"

Shi Xiao hesitated when he heard the words, "Is that possible? She can't help us, right? Xiong Zhi is fine, especially me..."

Last time he offended the proprietress...

"Miss Ning is actually a nice person with a soft heart. If you tell her well, she will agree. I have something to do here, so I can't say more, so let's do it!" Cheng Feng hung up the phone in a hurry, fearing that his distraction would affect tonight's task.

He didn't want to follow in the footsteps of Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi.

I don't know what happened tonight to make Lord BOSS so nervous...

At this moment, in Lu Tingxiao's car.

The status of the top floor is displayed in real time on the screen in the middle.

Because it was infrared surveillance, it was able to see at night. Except for the slightly dim light, Ning Xi could be seen lying on the balcony with a tense expression, her long hair fluttering in the night wind, and her expression was sharper than ever before, giving people a strange feeling for a while.

Another two hours passed, and it was half an hour before twelve o'clock in the morning.

The content on the text message was "tonight", so the person they were waiting for should be coming soon, right?

If the other party really comes...

On the roof, Ning Xi waited so long that she almost scolded her.

Nima! This is simply killing people! Can't you say a specific time point?

Don't you know how unmannered it is to make girls wait?

Uh, well, she's never been considered a woman to these guys...

The worst thing was that although the senior brother could contact her, she couldn't contact him, and she couldn't even ask him.

The elder brother's number is even more mysterious than a certain beast, it can only be contacted in one direction forever, he can't make calls, and he can't receive text messages.

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