Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 610 Didn't Second Senior Brother Satisfy You?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Everyone who is familiar with Tang Ye knows that once Tang Ye takes off his glasses and enters a fighting state, it is like becoming another person.

An extremely dangerous existence! It's not an exaggeration to say it's perverted!

"What's the situation? Are you planning to be tough if you can't be soft? Senior brother, listen to my advice, a twisted melon is not sweet!" Ning Xi hurriedly persuaded.

Tang Ye is like a walking human-shaped weapon, and after taking off his glasses, Tang Ye is like a sharp sword with its scabbard unsheathed, showing its sharpness in an instant, his dark eyes full of bloodthirsty and madness, and even his tone of speech changed, "Dear little junior sister, don't be nervous, I haven't seen you in a year, try your skills."

"I don't! I don't want it!" Ning Xi flatly refused, shaking her head like a rattle.

Nima is really a wave of ups and downs! Why did you want to fight with her!

Tang Ye obviously couldn't tolerate her rejection, and attacked without saying a word.

"Fuck! You are serious!"

This is Tang Ye! It wasn't Third Senior Sister Feng Xiaoxiao!

It's not bad if she can pass ten moves in his hands, but if she hasn't practiced for a year, she can probably only pass four or five moves...

Ning Xi yelled anxiously while struggling to deal with it, "Brother, calm down! Calm down! What the hell! What's going on! Why are you acting like you haven't fought in eight lifetimes? So hungry! Could it be that second senior brother didn't satisfy you?"

Hearing the words "Second Senior Brother", Tang Ye's aura suddenly became more manic, and he was like a beast that had been suffocated for hundreds of years and had just been released from its cage.

Ning Xi finally noticed something was wrong, "Eldest brother, what's the matter? Come on! Big brother, stop, stop... I can't do it! I really can't do it! I can fight you five moves at most!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Ye's hand was already strangling her throat. As long as one force was applied, her life would be gone.

At this moment, Tang Ye's state was really abnormal, almost on the verge of losing control, and the strength in his hand almost didn't stop.

However, at this moment, he was keenly aware of something, and his eyes flickered, and he looked downstairs.

Then he quickly withdrew his hands, and under Ning Xi's still-shocked gaze, slowly put on his glasses.

It's finally safe!

Ning Xi was so tired that she bent over and panted heavily, "Senior brother, what's going on? Is something wrong with Second Senior Brother?"

"Missing." Tang Ye said three words.

After putting on the glasses, the mania in his eyes receded, and he turned into a poker face without any emotion, but when he said these three words, there was obviously a hint of gloomy emotion.

"What? Missing?" Ning Xi was shocked when she heard this.

Her second senior brother's talent is extremely high, no matter what he learns, he is very fast.

But the elder brother is completely the opposite, he belongs to the type of hard work that can make up for one's weakness, and his training method is a terrifying intensity that ordinary people can't imagine!

Among the same sect, the only one whose strength is comparable to the senior brother is the second senior brother.

Therefore, the big brother, a fighting maniac, looks for him every time he practices moves, and the second senior brother, who is obviously talented but has always been a fool, can't study hard, and can match the results of others' hard training. With this incomparably hateful physique, every time Tang Ye fights with him, the world is pale and the sun and the moon are dark!

The relationship between these two people, if one must give a definition, it is probably love and kill each other!

If, just in case... the second senior brother is not here, then the other senior brothers and sisters will suffer and be taken over to fight against each other.

Such as today's situation.

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