Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 611 Waves

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"How could something so good be missing?" Ning Xi frowned slightly.

No wonder the senior brother couldn't wait to find her to fight, even though she was a scumbag, fighting didn't feel the slightest pleasure.

It turned out that there was no opponent for too long.

"However, with Second Senior Brother's temper, it's normal for him to run around every three days without a trace? Isn't it common to see him for ten days and a half month?" Ning Xi thought for a while and asked.

Back then, in the organization, the second senior brother had the best relationship with her, and he took all the eating, drinking, and fun, as well as those exciting and life-threatening extreme sports.

It would be strange if one day he stopped wandering!

From this point of view, she felt that the old master, the old man, was too prescient. When he adopted the second senior brother, he was Lang...

"Half a year." Tang Ye replied, his face looking very bad.

"What!? Missing for half a year? So long?" Ning Xi was taken aback, " seems like it's been too long this time...Is there no news at all?"


Tang Ye originally wanted to ask Ning Xi if he had any contact with Tang Lang, but seeing her reaction, it was obvious that there was no connection.

"Could something have happened?" Ning Xi muttered, feeling a little worried.

After all, this guy Tang Lang was too arrogant and owed, his greatest hobby in life was to cause trouble, he had enemies all over the world, he might meet enemies when he went out to take out the garbage, and if he met a dog while walking casually, he might have kicked him cheaply.

"It's best to die outside." Tang Ye said with a cold face.

Ning Xi sneaked a glance at Tang Ye when she heard the words, her words had no credibility at all, "The one who hates the second senior brother's death the most is you, senior brother..."

Not long ago, downstairs, inside the black car.

There were no ups and downs on Lu Tingxiao's face, as if all his emotions were frozen in the bottomless depths of his icy eyes.

"Brother...are you alright?" Lu Jingli asked a little uneasy.

He seriously thought that it was his brother who should go to the master for a fortune-telling to find out the solution...

Lu Tingxiao's face was shrouded in the white light of the monitor screen in the car, so he couldn't see clearly, "Jingli, please move away."

"Why? No, brother, you actually have a little secret with me!" Lu Jingli's handsome brows were furrowed, with a baby's unhappy expression on his face.

Lu Tingxiao glanced at his younger brother beside him, "Good boy."

Lu Jingli was successfully comforted by his brother's word, and got out of the car happily. However, the moment he got out of the car, there was an imperceptible look of worry on his face, and he looked back at his brother in the car uneasily...

After Lu Jingli left, Lu Tingxiao took out his phone and dialed a number.

The phone on the other end rang for a long time before it was picked up slowly, "Hello ~ Moxi Moxi~"

Lu Tingxiao: "Do it now."

The other end of the phone was quiet for a long while, and then the person on the other end spoke in a tone of pain, "Master Boss, even according to our original time, it is already enough, but now you want to do it immediately? I am very embarrassed by you. I have been abused by you recently to have endocrine disorders..."

"Tang Ye is not here." Lu Tingxiao said four words.

The other end of the phone was stunned again, and then said in a firm tone, "Tang Ye can't leave."

Lu Tingxiao turned on the video call function and pointed the camera at the monitoring screen in the car.

On the screen, it happened to be the scene of Tang Ye kneeling in front of Ning Xi with a large bouquet of roses...

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