Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 615 Boss, do you accept bribes?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Brother do you want to do?" Lu Jingli asked weakly.

He always felt that Ning Xi's expression made him feel scared.

After drinking, Ning Xi put on her mask again, glanced at him, and replied, "Your brother."

After speaking, he walked towards the direction of the president's office.

Lu Jingli: "..." brother?

Nani? ? ? ? ?

Seeing Ning Xi enter the CEO's office, Lu Jingli finally recovered from the shock, ran to catch up, and waited anxiously outside the door.

As soon as Ning Xi stepped in, Xiao Bao flew over.

This time Ning Xi flew continuously for a week, and she and Xiaobao hadn't seen each other for several days.

I hugged the little guy and kissed and kissed, almost reluctant to let go, and finally thought of the business, and said softly, "Baby, go to your second uncle's place to play for a while, can I give Auntie Xiao Xi ten minutes?"

Little Treasure nodded obediently, and then went out to look for Lu Jingli.

Outside the door, Lu Jingli was scratching his heart and lungs anxiously.

After hearing what Ning Xi said to Xiao Bao, his first reaction was, ten it enough? His brother is not so fast, is he?

After Xiaobao went out, Lu Tingxiao looked at the girl in front of him, his eyes were as thick as a fog that could not be dissolved, covering up his true emotions, and his tone was calm because he could suppress it, "You're back?"

I haven't seen her for a long time, but the girl's demeanor seems to have changed a lot, she has become more capable and aloof, and even her eyes seem to have added a lot of complicated and obscure things.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the urge to hug him...

During this period of time, he wanted to fly to see her countless times, but he didn't dare.

Because at this moment, what he did secretly made it impossible for him to face her.

Knowing that that person was the love of her heart that she hoped for and never approached, he still did something that might hurt her...

"Yeah." Ning Xi put down her bag and luggage casually, took off her outer coat, and then walked towards Lu Tingxiao.

As soon as Ning Xi approached Lu Tingxiao's desk, Lu Tingxiao's stern brows frowned slightly, and his tone also fluctuated in displeasure, "Have you been drinking?"

"Drink it."

"You promised Xiaobao that you would drink less." With her strong alcohol smell, she obviously drank a lot.

Ning Xi supported the desk with both hands, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, "What? You want to complain to Xiaobao?"

Ning Xi's indifferent attitude made Lu Tingxiao frowned even tighter, "If you continue to disrespect your body, I may consider suspending your work."

Seeing the man's special way of caring, Ning Xi felt bitterness in her heart.

She's almost dying, so why take care of her health? What else is there to worry about? What's so depressing...

It seemed that Lu Tingxiao was really angry. He picked up the microphone on the landline and was about to call Ling Zhizhi directly.


The moment Lu Tingxiao opened his mouth, Ning Xi suddenly reached out and pressed the hang up button. Then, under Lu Tingxiao's cold and angry eyes, she leaned over and pressed his lips...

Lu Tingxiao still maintained the posture of holding the microphone in his hand, and the expression on his face was somewhat indescribable, and he didn't even dare to move.

About three seconds later, Ning Xi left slowly, and then looked at him with twinkling eyes, with a slightly drunken blush on her face, and an innocent and bewitching light in her captivating brows and eyes, "Boss, do you accept bribes?"

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