Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 616 I Can't Sleep~

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"You're drunk." Lu Tingxiao's absent-minded eyes quickly regained focus, and his usual coolness returned.

"Boss, you haven't answered my question yet!" Naturally, Ning Xi couldn't give up so easily, her sparkling eyes became more vivid with slight anger.

Today she also wore a black one-line neck dress, which made her skin as delicious as milk, and the collarbone line of the neckline was extremely attractive.

Lu Tingxiao rolled his Adam's apple, avoided looking at the documents on the desktop, and ordered in a cold tone, "We'll talk about this after you wake up, go to the lounge and sleep."

At this moment, Ning Xi's heart almost collapsed.

How difficult is it for my old lady to make up her mind? As a result, the one in front of me is simply an enhanced version of Liu Xiahui!

Great Demon King, if you're so ungrateful, you'll basically say goodbye to sex in this life, you know? !

Ning Xi gritted her teeth, she finally let go of her old face, "Lu Tingxiao, I can't walk~ why don't you carry me!"

Even the name has changed this time!

Hearing the girl's coquettish voice, Lu Tingxiao lost his hand holding the pen and drew a mark on the paper, but he still didn't look up, and said calmly, "Go by yourself."

Oh shit!

Ning Xi was really angry now, she was in a hurry, okay? Do you know how precious her time is now?

Even if it's too late to get out, at least give her a good face!

I haven't seen her for so long, but the moment I met her, I was as cold as the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves!

Ning Xi immediately picked up a number, puffed her cheeks and said angrily, "Forget it! What's the big deal! I'll find someone else!"

Lu Tingxiao finally raised his head, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw... the word Xi Shiqing on the screen of her phone.

In the next second, Ning Xi's fingers hadn't had time to dial the number when suddenly her body lightened and she was suspended in the air.

Ning Xi subconsciously wrapped her arms around Lu Tingxiao's neck to keep her balance, a sly light flashed in her eyes.

Lu Tingxiao's face became even colder as he strode towards the lounge with her in his arms.

However, even though that face stinks, the action of putting her on the bed was extremely gentle.

After putting her away, Lu Tingxiao took off her shoes, and then helped her cover the quilt tightly, covering her tightly to the bottom of her chin, revealing only a small face the size of a palm, and warned, "Sleep."

Ning Xi blinked her eyes and nodded, with an expression of a good baby, but what she actually did was completely opposite.

The moment Lu Tingxiao helped her cover the quilt and got up to leave, Ning Xi grabbed his hand and forcefully——

Lu Tingxiao was caught off guard and was pulled onto the bed, lying beside her.

To prevent him from running away, Ning Xi threw herself on the ground, laying most of her body on top of him, "I can't sleep~ why don't you sleep with me~"

Veins throbbed on Lu Tingxiao's forehead: "...Who gave you the drink?"

He's going to kill him!

In the reception room, Lu Jingli who was taking Xiaobao suddenly sneezed several times, "Well, who is scolding me behind my back?"

After muttering, he glanced at the time on his watch.

Half of the time has passed, and there are still five minutes left, and I don't know what happened inside.

But, for his own sake, no matter how curious he was this time, he didn't dare to meddle in it anymore. He could only bear with it, thinking wildly in secret, and didn't know how his sister-in-law was going to smooth over his brother, and what if the smoothing failed...

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