Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 618 Don't Bribe the Boss

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Look." Lu Tingxiao handed her the document in his hand.

"What is this?" Ning Xi took it suspiciously, "Well, the work regulations? Article 1: The working hours should not exceed six hours a day? Uh, isn't that too little? The legal working hours are still eight hours!"

Just as he was muttering, Lu Tingxiao gave him a cold look, and Ning Xi stopped talking immediately, "Just do it, you are the way!"

"Rule 2: Don't drink too much alcohol; Rule 3: Eat three meals a day on time; Rule 4..."

Finally, Ning Xi read the last item, "Rule 10: Don't bribe the boss? Uh..."

"Back it down."


Under Lu Tingxiao's urging, Ning Xi memorized all ten items verbatim before she was finally let go.

Moreover, she was kicked out, as if she was afraid that she would go crazy with alcohol again...

Is she that scary?

In fact, she wasn't completely pretending before, but Lu Jingli's bad wine really had a lot of stamina.

Didn't the Great Demon King care that she pounced on Xi Shiqing? Originally, she was only planning to pounce on the big devil to let him balance his mind. Who knew that the development of the matter seemed to be a little out of her control in the end, and she played a little too much. In fact, it would be good if she took advantage of this opportunity to really pounce, and the result was another magical turning point...

Fortunately, after pounced on the big devil, Ning Xi's mood improved a lot, as if she had taken a panacea, she was revived from exhaustion and tense emotions, and her steps became brisk.

Rather than saying that she followed Lu Tingxiao's lead, it was better to say that Lu Tingxiao comforted her.

During this time, she put too much pressure on herself. In fact, the situation was not as serious as she thought. If the other party wanted to do something to her, there would be countless opportunities in this year. Even when Tang Ye came last time, he could solve her by the way.

From the fact that she hasn't moved for a year, I know that she is just an insignificant little character.

It's good to take advantage of this meeting in the past to clarify some things.

Whenever she faces people and things in the past, she will think of that ridiculous self. What she can't face is not Tang Ye, not that person... but her past...

On the way to the studio, Ning Xi was about to call Gong Shangze when a call came in.

Lu Jingli's voice was extremely excited, "Brother Xi, Brother Xi, Brother Xi!!!"

"...Do you have a repeater?"

"My brother finally returned to normal! Did you dedicate yourself to my brother?????" Lu Jingli only thought of this possibility, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was!

Ning Xi said with a dark face, "What a fart, do you think your brother is so fast?"

Lu Jingli: "Uh..." He was speechless.

Ning Xi said it was ten minutes before, of course he wouldn't think about it, but in the end Ning Xi stayed inside for two full hours!

Two hours is not too short, is it? However, for my brother who has held back for so long, this time... seems really unscientific!

"Also, what kind of broken wine did you give me?"

"How could it be broken wine! That wine costs tens of thousands a bottle! It is said to be poured in one gulp!" Lu Jingli said excitedly.

"Fuck! What's your intention in giving me a bottle?"

"I was wronged. I thought you asked for wine to please and bribe my brother. Of course I found it for you. Who knew that you would pour it all over yourself after taking such a wasteful sip!"

"..." That's right, I did go to bribe your brother, but not with wine, you bastard...

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