Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 619 Sister Xi, Your Boyfriend's Power is MAX!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After talking to Lu Jingli on the phone and talking to Xiaobao a few more words, a call came from the studio.

"Hey, Momo..."

"Sister Xi, no... It's not good! The director of the palace has an accident! Come over and have a look!" On the other end of the phone, the assistant in the studio spoke anxiously.

"What happened to Gong Shangze? What happened to him?"

"Director Gong suddenly fainted!"

Ning Xi's face changed slightly, "How could you faint? Don't worry, I'm already on my way, come here right away!"

Damn boy! Eighty percent of them are alive and tired!

Zeling studio.

As soon as Ning Xi opened the door and went in, she saw Gong Shangze lying pale in the middle of a pile of white paper balls, and the little assistant Han Momo lying next to her crying with red eyes.

"Sister Xi! You're finally here!" When Han Momo saw her, it was as if she had seen the backbone, sobbing, "I called an ambulance, but the hospital said it was too busy to dispatch the car right now, and I couldn't move him by myself..."

Ning Xi threw the bag and mobile phone to the little assistant, then bent down, picked up the fainted Gong Shangze by the waist, and put him on the bed in the bedroom...

Han Momo looked at Gong Shangze who was being hugged by the princess, and opened her mouth into an O shape, "Sister Xi, your boyfriend's strength is simply MAX!!!"

"It's because your director is too light! Didn't you tell you to take good care of him? Why didn't you see him for a few days and lost weight again!" Ning Xi frowned.

The little assistant looked aggrieved when he heard the words, "Sister Xi... I can't persuade you... You don't know that the director of the palace usually looks gentle and gentle, but once he starts working, his state changes completely, which is scary. It's almost like a golden retriever becomes a Tibetan mastiff. I would yell at me fiercely even if I made a sound. I dare not even walk loudly, let alone urging him to eat and rest...Sister Xi, you should come and talk to the director of the palace, he only listens to you..."

Golden Retriever becomes Tibetan Mastiff...

Regarding the description of the little assistant, Ning Xi was full of black lines, "Okay, I'll tell him later."

As he spoke, he touched Gong Shangze's forehead, and it was really hot, "I have a fever...Momo, go to the pharmacy downstairs and buy some antipyretics!"

"Okay, I'll go right away!" The little assistant hurriedly went to buy medicine.

Ning Xi and the little assistant took care of him for most of the night, and Gong Shangze finally woke up.


"Lie down and don't move!" Ning Xi pressed him back, her face condensed, "How did I tell you back then, the body is the capital of the revolution, and if you lose your life, what's the use of anything else? Those who don't know think I'm a black-hearted boss who oppresses the employees!"

Tat for tat, now she finally understands Lu Tingxiao's feelings, it's so hard to be a boss...

"No, I did it voluntarily!" Gong Shangze said anxiously.

"You can't do it voluntarily! I'm the boss, you have to listen to me! Otherwise, you can just find another job!" Ning Xi emphasized her tone.

Gong Shangze immediately changed his face when he heard this, and panicked, "Boss, I won't do it anymore!"

Seeing the haggard look on the young man's face, Ning Xi sighed, "You look like this, can you still go to the arena tomorrow? Anyway, we have discussed the procedure many times. I'll go with Momo. You can rest at home!"

"Boss, I have to go there, it's already the last moment! I'm fine, I don't need to do much at that time, as long as I don't make mistakes when I watch the model go on stage."

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