Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 620 The biggest opponent is myself

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After Gong Shangze finished speaking, his expression darkened, "Although I have tried my best, the possibility of us winning the award this time is probably not high. This award is so important, Dai Wei will definitely choose my favorite work..."

Ning Xi's expression darkened. For Gong Shangze, this battle was really difficult.

Because his opponent is not others, but himself.

"It doesn't matter, it's enough to do your best. Even if it doesn't work this time, there will be next time, next time, and one day you will defeat your past self. You have unlimited possibilities, but the other party only has a bunch of design drafts that may be used up at any time. There is nothing to be afraid of!"

Gong Shangze looked into the girl's bright eyes, as if his weak body had been injected with a force, he nodded vigorously, "Yeah!"

"Okay, rest at ease, there is still a tough battle to fight tomorrow!"


the next day.

The venue for the Golden Top Awards competition.

As the highest award in China's fashion design, today's venue is unparalleled in luxury and magical.

The seats are suspended, about one meter above the ground, and the lights are cut into colorful fragments, shining on the catwalk that has been transformed into a Noah's Ark.

Seats at the competition site were hard to find, and all the people present were celebrities in the fashion circle. Ning Xi, who was in the entertainment industry, was obviously not qualified to come here. She was invited as the owner of the studio of the selected works.

Ning Xi took Gong Shangze and his little assistant, and just a few steps into the arena, he found that the road ahead was blocked.

The competition here has not yet started, and the photographers have frantically surrounded the award-winning designer - Dai Wei.

"David, do you have confidence in this competition? Everyone said that the Golden Top Award this time belongs to you!"

"I heard that even Mr. Li Ming, the winner of the Golden Summit Award last year, also predicted that you will win the award! Is it true?"

"A lot of seniors from the entertainment industry came this time. Many of them are your fans. They even came to the scene wearing your works to cheer you up. Do you have anything to say about this?"


Dai Wei was full of vigor and vigor, and he could not see the shadow of the past at all. Facing the reporters' stalking and blocking, he replied calmly and calmly: "Every design drawing is my painstaking effort, and I naturally have confidence in them, but the competition, of course, depends on the judgment of the judges and teachers! As for Teacher Li Ming, he is also a senior I respect very much. I am very grateful for his appreciation and the love of all the beauties!"

Hearing this, Ning Xi and Gong Shangze were okay, the little assistant beside him couldn't hold back anymore and exploded, "Damn it! This person is too shameless... It's a painstaking effort... Whose painstaking effort it is!"

When she was recruited, Han Momo didn't know who Gong Shangze was at first, but after seeing his works, she became more and more familiar.

Because what designers hate most is plagiarism, so she couldn't help muttering that if Gong Shangze copied Dai Wei's design style, it's not good, anyway, she looks down on Gong Shangze.

At that time, Gong Shangze didn't refute a word, and he was still drawing manuscripts every day.

After getting along for a long time, she gradually felt that something was wrong. Gong Shangze was designing with his life. How could this be the state of a speculative thief?

Later, she was the one who pestered Sister Xi for a long time before she found out the terrifying inside story...

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