Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 621 The most perfect work

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The door was blocked for more than ten minutes before the reporters finally dispersed to interview other contestants.

Gong Shangze was a completely unfamiliar face, and today he was wearing a mask because he was sick, so naturally no one paid attention to him at all.

But they were also happy to be quiet, and immediately rushed to the backstage to make preparations.

When Gong Shangze passed by, Dai Wei looked suspiciously at his back, but quickly looked away, and continued to chat with the designers around him who fawned on him.


I saw that there were all models preparing, some dangling in underwear, and there were many male designers and assistants, but they were obviously used to it, and they didn't regard them as men at all.

Gong Shangze probably hadn't seen such a scene very often, his eyes were somewhat embarrassed, but when he started to check the clothes on the model, his eyes immediately became focused.

"Wow... so many supermodels! The figure is so good! A woman like me is drooling!" Han Momo swallowed.

At this time, an imposing model in high-heeled shoes strode towards them, "Jian Rang! Get out of the way!"

The model who was changing clothes in front of Gong Shangze was pushed by her without checking, and she was about to step on the hem of the skirt...

Fortunately, Ning Xi quickly grabbed the model's waist and stabilized her dangerously, otherwise not only would she fall, but even her clothes would be lost.

"Hey! What's the matter with you? You almost ruined our clothes!" Han Momo was anxious, and stopped the rampant model.

The man glanced at the clothes on their models, and seeing that the style was very similar to Dai Wei, his face was filled with disdain, "It's just plagiarism and tatters! You want to extort money? Believe it or not, I'll let the above disqualify you from the competition! Get out of the way!"

Han Momo wanted to refute, but recognized that the other party was Angel, a world famous model. She was very famous in the industry and had a close relationship with the organizer. It would be no good to offend her on such an occasion today, so she could only hold back her anger.

"An Qi, dear, come here and change!" Someone greeted not far away.

An Qi immediately smiled and walked towards the opposite side, "Wow, Director Dai, this is so beautiful!"

"It's beautiful! I told you that you will definitely like it!" Dai Wei looked pale.

"Well, it's so beautiful! As expected of Director Dai, he can surprise me every time! No wonder even Mr. Li said that this time the Golden Summit Award belongs to you!" An Qi finished speaking, and glanced in the direction of Gong Shangze and the others. "However, this Golden Summit Award has been going back and forth. Why can anyone be selected! The one who tried to blackmail me just now was obviously imitating your style! It's ridiculous!"

Dai Wei smiled generously with the attitude of someone who has experienced it, "Hehe, this is the way it is in this business, just get used to it!"

An Qi fiddled with the dress in her hand, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it, "Mr. Dai is still amazing, every piece is so different! You are simply born for design! You are worthy of what Mr. Li said about you. You have been imitated and never surpassed!"


The moment Gong Shangze saw the dress in Dai Wei's hand, his face turned pale.

"What's the matter Director Gong?" Seeing that Gong Shangze's expression was not right, Han Momo immediately asked uneasily.

Ning Xi frowned, "This Dai Wei is ruthless enough to choose such a trick..."

Gong Shangze mentioned this dress to her, and she still remembers his proud expression when he mentioned this design draft.

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