Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 622 Even if you bite me, you still have to make a small report

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Gong Shangze's dry voice trembled slightly, "That was the most satisfying and perfect work of my peak inspiration period. The theme is life. There are six sets in the same series. For this competition, Dai Wei is just enough..."

Ning Xi wanted to comfort her, but Gong Shangze took a deep breath and had already calmed down. Instead, she comforted Ning Xi and said, "Boss, the competition is about to start, you go to the front first, I'll be there soon!"

Seeing that his condition was stable, Ning Xi patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, call me if you need something! Momo, take care of him, and if he feels unwell, let me know immediately!"

"Understood, Miss Xi! Even if the director bites me, I will resolutely make a small report!"

"Hey, go ahead and fight, Sister Xi will support you!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Gong Shangze felt helpless on his face, and a tinge of warmth welled up in his bone-cold blood.

He carefully took out the clothes for this competition, with a dim light shining in his eyes...


The competition is about to start, and the venue is very lively.

After the reporters had finished interviewing the contestants, they were scrambling to interview the celebrities in the circle who were present this time.

Recently, "The World" is about to be released, and there are all kinds of publicity bombardment. As the heroine, Ning Xueluo naturally has a high exposure rate and topicality. In addition, Dai Wei is the hottest winner of the award, and Ning Xueluo is the boss of History, so almost half of the reporters are surrounded by her.

"Miss Ning, how did you discover David in the first place? Can you share your story with us?" The reporters asked the most interesting questions of everyone.

Ning Xueluo didn't know what to think of, showing a gentle look, and said softly, "If you really want to talk about Bole, it's not me. It was my boyfriend who first discovered David. I looked at it later and thought it was good. After discussing with him, I decided to invest..."

"There is such a good story! The two really have a good understanding! Even the eyes are equally good!"

""The World" has received so much attention before its release, and it will definitely be a hit at the box office! And I heard that "The World" will compete for several important awards in the future. Xueluo, you really have a bumper harvest this year!" A familiar reporter complimented.

"Hahaha, yes, I even wrote the headline for Xueluo to win the Best Actress in advance!"


It was not until the host on the stage announced the start of the game that the reporters finally dispersed and returned to their seats.

Ning Xi's location was relatively remote, in a corner quite far back, and she was taking advantage of the time when the host was giving the opening remarks to close the door to rest, when an unpleasant voice suddenly sounded in her ear——

"Hey... Isn't this Ning Xi Ning the big star? You also come to the game? Don't you know that you need a ticket to enter today? Just walk in and be careful not to be chased away!"

The one who spoke was Li Leling who was holding Ning Xueluo's arm.

Ning Xi's lazy eyes flashed a hint of displeasure at being disturbed, and she unhurriedly raised her eyes to glance at Li Leling, and said with a surprised expression, "Miss Li has changed her career to be a security guard?"

Li Leling was taken aback for a moment, and then became furious, "You are the only security guard!"

Ning Xi suddenly realized and nodded, "Oh, sorry, I was just meddling in my own business, I misunderstood."

"You...!!!" Li Leling was half dead with anger.

Ning Xueluo at the side tried to smooth things over, and kindly reminded, "Ning Xi, Le Ling is just a good intention, all the seats here have quotas, you can't just sit around..."

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