Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 623 Waiting for the result

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi immediately closed her eyes, not wanting to waste even a second on these people.

Li Leling pulled Ning Xueluo away, and walked towards the VIP seats, "Leave her alone, anyway, we won't be the ones who will lose face at that time! It's nothing else, but she has the nerve to come to this kind of place, does she know what fashion is?"

Ning Xueluo hesitated, "Maybe she was indeed invited?"

Li Leling immediately said with a firm expression, "How is that possible! Today's seat is hard to find, even my mother asked a lot of people to get it, and I almost couldn't come with you!"

"She and Lu Jingli seem to have a good relationship..." Ning Xueluo said intentionally.

Li Leling's face froze when he heard the words, "I don't think it's too good. Otherwise, with Lu Jingli's ability, he could be a VIP in the front row. How could he sit in that kind of corner! This kind of person is really disgusting! Hugging thighs everywhere, she is indispensable everywhere!"

After finishing speaking, he snorted, and said excitedly, "Forget it, let's not talk about her, by the way, Xueluo, after the award ceremony is over, we will go directly to the Royal Hotel. I have already booked a box for you to celebrate!"

Ning Xueluo gave her an angry look, "I don't know if I can win the prize yet!"

"Why don't you know? I've already inquired about it. Among the entries selected this time, you are the most powerful, and the grand prize must go to you!" After speaking, he leaned into Ning Xueluo's ear mysteriously, and whispered, "I asked my mother to help me inquire about it. The Golden Top Award this time is Dai Wei, so don't worry!"

Ning Xueluo's eyes lit up when she heard the words, but she still said modestly, "Let's wait for the results to come out!"

Just as he was talking, Dai Wei also took his seat. Seeing him, Li Leling teased immediately, "Hey, our great talent is here! If you won the award this time, there must be more people poaching you, right?"

"Miss Li, look at what you said, the boss is my reborn parent! I can't leave the boss even if I fly to the sky!" Dai Wei has always been a speculator, and his skill in flattering is even more top-notch.

On the other side, Gong Shangze and his assistant walked to the seat next to Ning Xi and sat down.

"Is everything done?"

"En." Gong Shangze nodded, he had done everything he could, and now he just had to wait for the result.

Soon, the host's opening speech ended and the competition officially began.

On the catwalk, after the lights flickered for a while, the first contestant's work came up.

This first designer is quite capable, just looking at the introduction on the big screen is a long paragraph: Liu Sheng, the winner of the 17th Huaguo Fashion Design "Golden Summit Award". Currently the art director of Liusheng Clothing Co., Ltd. Director of Huaguo Fashion Designers Association, member of Fashion Art Committee, once awarded the title of Excellent Fashion Designer, Top Ten Fashion Designers...

Liu Sheng's design theme is the zodiac, which uses the totem elements of the Chinese zodiac, which is eye-catching.

However, after a brief astonishment, everyone's first feeling is that they seem to have known each other.

"Tsk, is even Liu Sheng exhausted? This is obviously Dai Wei's style!"

"Since Dai Wei's Huaguo style became popular, everyone started to adopt Huaguo elements, this is going to be a bad street!"

"The key is that those people's designs are very deliberate. If you look closely, you will find that they are nondescript. They don't have Dai Wei's natural fluency at all!"


Listening to the discussions around her, Han Momo felt a cold sweat in her heart. Just being imitated has already been scolded like this. When Director Gong's work comes out, what will she be scolded for?

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