Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 624 Do you want to be so awesome?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The three patiently watched the other entries, and finally it was their turn to play.

However, the next one to come out was not their model, but another contestant!

"What's going on?" Ning Xi's face changed slightly.

Han Momo hurriedly said, "I'll go backstage and ask!"

Soon, Han Momo came back, panting with red eyes, "The organizer said that our order has been transferred to the last. I asked them why, but they were ashamed to say that the last one is better and can be the finale. However, the penultimate one is Dai Wei's work. Our design style is close to theirs, and now we are deliberately arranged behind him. Let alone winning an award, we will definitely be sprayed to death..."

You don't need to ask, this petty move is most likely caused by that supermodel An Qi just now. That woman is notoriously domineering in the circle, and she will punish you if she disagrees with you.

In the end, it was Gong Shangze who comforted them, saying indifferently, "It doesn't matter, if my work is really considered as plagiarism, then the order will be the same everywhere."

This competition adopts the mode of on-the-spot scoring. Six judges take the average score. Five of the works that have appeared so far have been scored with a high score of more than nine points. The competition is still very fierce.

The previous Liu Sheng's score, no matter how hard he tried, was only a little over 7. It can be seen that the judges are also very displeased with the behavior of following the trend.

At this time, bursts of intense exclamations and snapping pictures suddenly sounded at the scene.

It was Dai Wei's turn to play.

Not only the others, Ning Xi, Han Momo and Gong Shangze were also completely attracted by the models on stage.

The most eye-catching thing is the main piece on An Qi's body. The long dress covered with flowers is like spring returning to the earth, instantly giving people a sense of vitality.

The original and simple Qiang embroidery technique, combined with the modern three-dimensional cutting technology, can be described as "integrating ancient and modern, connecting Chinese and Western", realizing the perfect combination of traditional culture and modern clothing, and fully fitting the theme of "life".

The model is An Qi, an international supermodel, and the material is "inches of brocade" and "Sage of Weaving" Kesi. The jewelry sponsor is a luxury brand under Ning's International. There are only two words to describe Dai Wei's work - perfect!

Almost every piece is so gorgeous that people have the urge to buy it on the spot. At this moment, the actresses and socialites below are even eager to find contacts everywhere to get this series of high-end products.

Although it was Gong Shangze's work, Ning Xi knew that the more it was praised, the more uncomfortable it would be for Gong Shangze.

Just as he was about to comfort him, in the end, he saw a large piece of terrible burns on his hand from the corner of his eye, and his expression changed immediately, "What's wrong with your hand?"

Gong Shangze immediately flinched subconsciously, "It's okay, I was not careful..."

"You checked your clothes properly, why did you accidentally burn your hands like this? Momo, what's going on?" Ning Xi turned to Han Momo and asked.

Han Momo looked confused, "Uh, I don't know either! Director Gong just said that there is only the last point left to finish, so he asked me to come to you first, and then I don't know what happened..."

"Boss, it's really all right!"

While the three were talking, Dai Wei's score had already come out.

Seeing the score, Han Momo's small face was filled with despair, "Nine... nine points to nine! I'll go! Director Gong, should I praise you? Are you so awesome! So many years, and you have never had such a high score, okay? The highest is only nine points to six points! You are... simply!"

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