Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 625 The Last Contestant

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi was also a little bit dumbfounded, it seemed that she was too good to be troubled!

Gong Shangze's work not only has a good theme, but also involves cultural inheritance. It is tailor-made for this kind of award. In addition, the team is strong and all the resources are the best. No wonder it is so favored by the judges.

The applause at the scene became more and more intense, and most of the people stood up to congratulate Dai Wei and Ning Xueluo. The reporters also focused their cameras on him, preparing to take pictures of him accepting the award on stage.

Dai Wei stood up triumphantly, thanked everyone one by one, and said a set of humble and decent official words, "Everyone has praised me so much, this is the credit of our entire team! Especially my boss, Miss Ning Xueluo, without her, there would be no Dai Wei today!"

Ning Xueluo laughed and said, "Don't be modest, you are the soul and core of our studio."

Now that Dai Wei has won such a big award, in order to keep him, Ning Xueluo made him even more determined, and naturally treated him better.

Just as Dai Wei straightened his clothes and stepped out to receive the award, the host suddenly said, "Everyone, please be safe, we still have the last contestant!"

"What? Another one? What are you doing?"

"Forget about presenting the awards directly! Isn't this a waste of time?"

"No way, the game is like this, don't rush at this moment, wait until the process is over! Anyway, the result has been decided, just use this time to prepare the content of the interview later!"


Hearing the host's words, Dai Wei's footsteps stopped, his face was a little embarrassed, and then he suddenly remembered that An Qi had secretly told him about putting the previous plagiarist in the last place on stage, and immediately recalled it, with a good-tempered expression, he returned to his seat and sat down again.

Waiting for that contestant to play would not only set him off better, but also take this opportunity to make an example of those crazy followers recently, killing two birds with one stone.

Ning Xueluo wasn't in a hurry either, after all, she was already in the bag. Several competitive opponents among today's contestants had already entered the stage just now, and the one left was nothing more than a soy sauce, icing on the cake.

As a result, the actresses and socialites at the venue were all dating Ning Xueluo, the designers were all around Dai Wei, the reporters' cameras were all on Dai Wei's side, and the judges had already started to pack their things and prepare to leave.

So much so that when the last contestant's work was on stage, almost no one paid attention to it...

Gong Shangze's condition is not very good at the moment, it seems that the burn is getting worse, his breathing is becoming more and more rapid, and the burn on his hand has not been treated yet, he probably has been holding it back just now.

Ning Xi supported him, "Persist a little longer, and we'll be home soon!"

She originally wanted Momo to take him back directly, but she knew in her heart that he definitely wanted to see the final result.

She has seen Gong Shangze's entry, and it is very good. If there is no "life", he must be the first, but with "life", he may not only lose the prize, but also end up in the worst possible...

With a sound of "bang", the bright and shining lights on the field to match the theme of "life" dimmed suddenly, and the music also changed to a low-pitched style, slightly depressing, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

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