Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 626: 10 out of 10!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After a short prelude, the sound of the music suddenly became louder, and the lights began to gradually change from bright to dark.

Immediately afterwards, the first model appeared.

She is wearing a classic red dress with a gorgeous and dazzling style, as if what she wears is not a skirt, but the sunset glow from the sky. The details still use the Chinese elements such as embroidery and auspicious clouds that Gong Shangze is best at.

Although it was already very eye-catching, but against the backdrop of Dai Wei's extreme luxury just now, it was not so amazing immediately, and it even made people feel aesthetically tired.

However, it was just such a dress, everyone in the venue just casually glanced at it and snorted, but when the skirt turned from the dark to the bright and showed the whole picture, people could no longer look away!

Even Ning Xi herself was stunned, "How could this happen!?"

Gong Shangze’s six sets of works are still the same as his previous design, with the six natural elements of “sunset glow, aurora, cherry blossoms, ocean waves, snow forest, and starry sky” as the main colors, supplemented by traditional Huaguo techniques.

But, in particular, each dress is burned to varying degrees...

Such burning traces not only do not have a sense of incompleteness, but unexpectedly show a very special decadent magnificence, which grabs all eyes in an instant!

After a long while, someone on the scene finally came to their senses, and then those photographers who were stunned almost completely relied on their keen instincts to point their cameras at the stage immediately.

"Uh... Is there something wrong with my aesthetics? Why do I think that bright red dress is burnt and so beautiful! There is a feeling of a lonely but still noble princess!"

"That sea blue mermaid dress is also so beautiful! The tail is burnt, but it's so poignant! It reminds me of the mermaid princess!"

"It's so special! How did you come up with it?"


More and more people looked towards the stage, and everyone's eyes were filled with amazement.

After a while, the theme of this entry - Nirvana slowly appeared on the big screen.

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful!" One of the judges stood up excitedly.

"It's really a great idea, it seems that I haven't seen such a spiritual work for a long time!"

"Hehe, this little rookie is very courageous! But, I like it!"


Because of this treatment, everyone focused their attention on the exquisite creativity of this theme, but no one paid attention to the elements of Huaguo.

Ning Xi felt an indescribable shock in her heart. No wonder Gong Shangze's hands were burned. He actually...

How much determination do you have to burn your heart and soul for half a month with your own hands?

Such death and rebirth is worthy of the new theme he defined for this work: Nirvana and rebirth.

The host was also a designer before. After staring at the last set of works for a long time, he came back to his senses. Thinking of his work, he coughed lightly, "Next, please see the judges' ratings!"

After a while, the judges raised their scoring boards one after another.

The first judge: 10 points!

The second judge: 10 points!

The third judge: 10 points!



Five points in a row!

Until the last judge, Qu Guanyang, the first Chinese designer known for his pickiness.

He was the one who gave the lowest score to Dai Wei's work just now. He has served as a judge of the Eight Realms and is famous for being harsh and strict. He has never given a full score!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Qu Guanyang's hand.

After an agonizing wait, he finally slowly showed the scoring board——10 points! ! !

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