Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 631 Woman, you are playing with fire!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

In the early morning of the next day, the headlines of all the fashion newspapers were all about the dark horse winner of the Golden Top Award, and focused on describing Dai Wei's embarrassment. He deliberately enlarged the picture of him thinking that he had won the award and got up to accept the award on stage. During the period, there were various twists and turns. A piece of fashion news was even more exciting than gossip in the entertainment industry.

[The new talented designer, winner of the Golden Top Award X, is actually a little loli? ]

[David lost the Golden Top Award, is he exhausted? ]

[A dark horse emerges from the Golden Summit Award, stunningly staged a decadent magnificence]

[Who is behind Zeling Studio? ]


Platinum Palace.

Today is the weekend, Lu Tingxiao rested, Ning Xi promised that Xiaobao would come and take him to the amusement park today, so Xiaobao got up early in the morning, and right now he was packing his things in his room.

Lu Jingli was still wearing pajamas, so he ran over to gossip with his brother with the newspaper in his arms, "Brother! Look quickly! That kid Gong Shangze actually won the Golden Top Award! And he overwhelmed Dai Wei with a very high score! Nima's sister-in-law is too heaven-defying! Just pick it up and pick it up!"

Lu Tingxiao drank his tea calmly, it seemed that he knew about it a long time ago.

"However, what does the code name X mean? Is there any special meaning? Gong... Shang... Ze... there is no abbreviation of X..." Lu Jingli was stunned for a while, "Ning Xi... Xi...XI...uh..."

Lu Jingli carefully glanced at his brother who was just coaxed yesterday, and hurriedly said in a relaxed tone, "Named after the boss, it doesn't look like this kid is really sincere!"

While talking, Steward Yuan led Ning Xi in.

As soon as he saw Ning Xi, Lu Jingli immediately sized her up with strange eyes, then covered his face and said, "Xiao Xixi, you're here! You're so filthy!"

Ning Xi's face darkened, "Why are you so nervous? Where did I get dirty?"

Lu Jingli pointed to the six sets of skirts in the newspaper, "Isn't your design theme dirty enough?"

Ning Xi said unhappily, "Are you blind, you have been reborn from the ashes, and you are so positive!"

Lu Jingli had a meaningful expression, "But, I only thought of one sentence..."

"What did you think of?" Ning Xi inexplicably felt that she didn't hear anything good.

Sure enough, Lu Jingli said seriously, "Woman, you are playing with fire!"

Ning Xi's head was full of black lines, and she couldn't bear it any longer and said, "The dirty one is obviously you! The dirty one sees dirty!"

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking and ran to look for Lu Tingxiao, "Master Boss, where is Little Treasure?"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Bao who heard Ning Xi's voice ran out like a gust of wind.

Ning Xi picked up the little guy, "Are you ready?"

Xiaobao patted the small schoolbag on his back, indicating that he was all ready.

"Okay, let's go then!"

Ning Xi will fly abroad for promotion starting tomorrow, and one of the promotions will be stationed in country X, so she plans to take advantage of that time to go to Philadelphia to meet YS.

Before leaving, she wanted to take Xiaobao to have a good time.

"There are a lot of people this weekend, so be careful," Lu Tingxiao instructed on the sofa.

Ning Xi picked up Xiaobao, blinked her eyes, "Master Boss, won't you go with us?"

Lu Tingxiao was obviously taken aback when he heard the words, and looked up from the document, "You... want me to go with you?"

Usually Ning Xi took Xiaobao to play around, he would not disturb them, after all, where he was, they might not have a good time, so, I didn't expect that Ning Xi would ask him to come along this time...

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