Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 632 Lu Tingxiao, I Like You!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi nodded honestly, "I think so!"

After finishing speaking, he hesitated, "There are too many people in that kind of place, and they are quite childish. If you don't like it, Mr. Boss, then..."

"I like it." Lu Tingxiao put down the document in his hand, stood up, and picked up the trench coat on the coat rack.

Seeing this, Ning Xi's eyes immediately lit up. She was afraid that Lu Tingxiao would not go, but she did not expect to agree so easily.

Little Treasure had gradually stopped rejecting Lu Tingxiao, and was very happy to know that his father would go with him, his big eyes were full of excitement.

This is the first time he went out to play with Papa and Aunt Xiao Xi~

Looking at the family of three, a certain koi was lying on the sofa like a dead fish, with a sad face all over his face, "You left me again!"

Ning Xihu touched his dog's head, "Be good at home and take care of the house, I'll bring you candied haws when I come back!"

"Hmph! Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? I don't want candied haws!" Lu Jingli said angrily, "I want cotton candy! I want colored ones that can be made into flowers!"

Ning Xi: "..."

The three quickly drove to the amusement park.

Because there will be a grand fireworks display in the amusement park tonight, there are extraordinarily many people here. I saw that the scene was very crowded and lively. Most of them were families together, or couples in pairs.

"Little Treasure, let me hug you!" Lu Tingxiao said.

Ning Xi was also afraid that she would not be strong enough for Xiaobao to be squeezed by others, so she gave Xiaobao a hug in Lu Tingxiao's arms, "Okay."

Lu Tingxiao hugged Xiaobao with one hand and her shoulders with the other to protect her, and walked steadily towards a hot project ahead, without letting anyone bump into them at all.

Lu Tingxiao likes to be quiet, and what he dislikes the most is this kind of crowded places, but right now he doesn't have any impatience at all. He patiently accompanied Ning Xi and Xiaobao to play all the activities in the garden all day long, and took a lot of photo stickers very cooperatively, and set one of them as the desktop of his mobile phone on the spot.

As night fell, Lu Tingxiao had Xiaobao's schoolbag on his arm, a few zodiac masks and some gadgets around his neck, several bags of snacks in his hand, and a big colorful cotton candy for Lu Jingli in his other hand. He walked behind the wife and children in front of him without complaint, carrying things to pay...

"Quick! Lu Tingxiao, let's go to the stage! The fireworks show will start soon!" Ning Xi excitedly took Xiaobao's hand and ran forward. After thinking for a while, she turned back and took Lu Tingxiao's arm.

Lu Tingxiao glanced at the arms being held, and was in a daze for a moment, as if they were really a family of three.

Finally, the fireworks display began.

A bright flame rose from the horizon, and then exploded in midair, with a "bang", illuminating the entire sky.

Not long after, the sound of bang bang fireworks came one after another, and amidst the fiery trees and silver flowers filling the sky, Ning Xi turned her head and stared blankly at the bright side face of the man beside her against the firelight.

Lu Tingxiao seemed to have noticed the girl's gaze, and turned to look at her.

Ning Xi opened her mouth and suddenly said a few words to him.

The sound of fireworks was too loud at this moment, Lu Tingxiao couldn't hear what she said clearly, so he cast a suspicious look.

Ning Xi's eyes were full of fireworks, she leaned over, and said that sentence again, saying that sentence, knowing that he would not hear it at this moment——

"Lu Tingxiao, I like you!"

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