Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 633 Keep Lu Tingxiao

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!


After sending Ning Xi and Xiaobao to Zhujiang Dijing, Lu Tingxiao did not return to the villa immediately, but made a phone call and asked Lu Jingli to go to the bar.

"Brother, you actually invited me to the bar! I thought I was hallucinating!"

Under the flickering lights, Lu Tingxiao's face was hidden in the shadows. After being silent for an unknown amount of time, he suddenly asked, "Is there a possibility?"

"What's possible?" Lu Jingli was confused by this inexplicable question.

"Ning Xi... have moved on." Lu Tingxiao said.

Lu Jingli's eyes widened immediately upon hearing this, "Huh? Who did she empathize with?"

Lu Tingxiao: "Me."

"Pfft..." Lu Jingli almost sprayed the wine in his mouth, "Ahem, why do you think so?"

Lu Tingxiao: "Feeling."

Lu Jingli scratched his head, "Brother, did something happen today?"

Lu Tingxiao's brows were like a dense fog that couldn't be removed, "It seems that she... said she likes me."

"What!!!!!! Xiao Xixi said she likes you???" Lu Jingli was half excited, then calmed down, "No, why did you make it look like?"

"At the amusement park, during the fireworks display, she seemed to say something to me, but it was very noisy, so I didn't hear it." Lu Tingxiao frowned slightly.

Lu Jingli was excited for a while, "I was in a hurry! But you understand lip language! So you understand?"

"Lip language is not 100% accurate, not to mention the chaotic environment at the time."

Most importantly, it's really impossible.

The first time, he didn't even think to pay attention to it. The second time, she leaned closer, but he didn't see it. He just made a quick judgment, how could he be sure.

Therefore, what made him suspicious the most was not what she said, but the look in her eyes when she spoke.

The look in her eyes when she looked at her at that time was so touching that she could speak, and the silence speaks louder.

From those eyes, he saw things that he couldn't even imagine...

"Brother, let me see it this way. After Xiao Xixi comes back this time, you can try her out!"

It was rare for Lu Tingxiao to agree to Lu Jingli's suggestion, "Yes."

He really, really wanted to know the answer.


On the second day after returning from the amusement park, Ning Xi boarded a flight abroad early in the morning.

After several days of running around, the crew finally went to the last stop of the promotion, the capital of Country X, Dib City.

Because it wasn't a mainstream city, everyone was too tired after so many days of tossing around, so not many people were willing to go. Among the actors with more roles, only Ning Xi volunteered, and Guo Qisheng was so moved.

He worked hard from beginning to end and cooperated with the publicity without deliberately stealing the limelight. Which director would not like such an actor? He even planned to create a new play for Ning Xi next year, and she must be the heroine.

Jiang Muye didn't know if his conscience had discovered it. After so many days, he didn't come a few times during the entire promotional period. This last time, he finally came along.

As soon as he got off the plane after falling asleep, Jiang Muye took off his blindfold, turned his head and saw Ning Xi reading the script under the light, and immediately said speechlessly, "Ning Xiaoxi, are you desperate? You are so hard!"

Seeing that it was almost time to stop, Ning Xi closed the script, glanced at Jiang Muye, raised her eyebrows and said, "If you don't fight, how can you keep Lu Tingxiao in the future?"

Jiang Muye: "..."

Taking care of Lu Tingxiao...

Is this goal a bit too big?

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