Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 634 That Woman Came to Philadelphia!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Jiang Muye ignored the depression in his heart, and muttered, "Then my uncle will wait until the end of time?"

"Bah! Stop cursing me!"

"It was originally, if you want to say that you can take care of me, there is still a little possibility..."

Ning Xi snorted, "I just like challenging the impossible!"

Looking at the girl's expression, Jiang Muye couldn't help but feel a throbbing pain in his heart. He knew that this time, she was serious.

He thought she had given up, but unexpectedly, he still underestimated her. From humble retreat at the beginning, to now he is determined to stand side by side with that person...

In the past, he had been thinking, did this woman have no heart at all?

Only now do I know that she has it, but the person who gave it was not you...

Jiang Muye withdrew the soreness in his heart, put his arms around her shoulders, and said in a relaxed tone, "Would you like to have a drink together at the end of the night? The best nightclubs in the world are all in Dib City!"

In Country X, the polarization is serious. There are cities like Dibb that spend money and party every night, and there are ghost towns like Philadelphia.

"I said, why did you come here so well..." Ning Xi looked contemptuous, "No, I want to catch up on sleep!"

Tomorrow is the time for the appointment, and she has to recharge her batteries.

The crew will leave tomorrow afternoon, so she will take a good rest tonight, and will rush to Philadelphia early tomorrow morning to meet that person, and then come back, the time is just right.

"Ning Xiaoxi, did you make a mistake! You haven't been with him yet, and you've started guarding him like a jade! You don't even go to nightclubs!"

Ning Xi shook her legs, "A guy like you who has no heart will understand!"

"Who said I didn't!"

"Ah, do you have one? Who is it?"

"A jerk!"

"Tsk, to deal with a scum like you, you can only be suppressed if you are good enough! This is called fighting poison with poison!"



After the promotion was over, the entire crew went out to play. Ning Xi declined everyone's invitation, and fell asleep as soon as she returned to the hotel.

At five o'clock in the morning, the alarm clock rang on time.

Ning Xi opened her eyes all of a sudden, put on the backpack she packed last night, walked out of the hotel, and headed towards Philadelphia.

At the Philadelphia border, she stopped into a breakfast place for a bite, then changed in the restroom.

When he came out of the bathroom, he was already dressed in men's clothing.

The old place where the elder brother told her to meet was one of their strongholds, an underground casino in the center of Philadelphia.

She had stayed in Philadelphia for a whole year and was very familiar with it, but the sad thing was that there were riots in this place every three days, and it was estimated that it had been rebuilt several times in just one year, and she couldn't tell which was which at all.

It is estimated that the government has put a lot of effort into rectification in recent years. There are many patrolling police cars on the streets, and they make trouble before seeing broad daylight. The situation is much better than before.

At this time, Ning Xi didn't know that since she stepped into the territory of Country X, she had already been targeted...

"Boss, that woman is coming to Philadelphia!"

"Really?" On the leather sofa, the blond man nervously touched the position of his ears under his long hair. There was nothing there, and both ears had been cut off.

"It's true. I was still having a headache and couldn't do anything with Dib. I didn't expect that the brothers who were sent to watch her came out of the hotel and then came to Philadelphia by themselves. They even changed into men's clothing. We almost didn't recognize her! But it just proved one thing!"

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