Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 636 Little ancestor, what do you really want?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The boss was about to cry, "Little ancestor, what exactly do you want?"

Ning Xi looked innocent, "I want to pay!"

How dare the boss ask for her money, "I don't want it! I really don't want it!"

Ning Xi got a little annoyed, "Damn! I told you I'll pay! Believe it or not, I'll beat you up!"

Isn't this destroying her principles of life!

After tossing and tossing for a long time, the boss finally quoted a price. Ning Xi paid and left satisfied.

The boss looked at the money on the table tremblingly, with a ghostly expression on his face, and actually gave the money...

After leaving the shop, Ning Xi was lucky enough to see a taxi, so she directly waved to the driver to take her to her destination.

He was closing his eyes and recuperating, when accompanied by a loud noise, the car body suddenly shook violently, as if it had been hit hard by something.

Residents who dare to live in Philadelphia obviously have a few brushes. The driver in front reacted very quickly. When he sensed something was wrong, he rolled out, abandoned the car and ran away.

Ning Xi let out a "shit", and immediately pushed the door to get out of the car.

At first, I just thought that there was some kind of riot or robbery, but as soon as I got out of the car, I realized that something was wrong. From the car that hit me just now, four people got out one after another, surrounded her in a fan shape, and pointed four guns at her at the same time.


Ning Xi's heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously placed her hand on the gun at her waist.

what happened?

For her!

These white people were obviously strangers. She had just arrived here, so there was no reason why she would get into trouble that she shouldn't have.

It's even more impossible to be an enemy in the past. If it's someone who knew her before, they haven't dared to attack her directly in broad daylight.

"Put the gun down." The leader, a man in a black vest, looked at her sullenly, as if he had some deep hatred for her, "Hurry up!"

The man seemed to know that she was good at marksmanship, so he was very afraid of the gun at her waist, and shot directly at her feet as a warning.

The other three people next to her stared at her without blinking to prevent her from shooting suddenly.

With a "bang", a burst of sand kicked up around Ning Xi's feet.

Those people stared too closely, and Ning Xi knew that under such circumstances there was absolutely no possibility of retaliation. In desperation, she gritted her teeth, pulled out the gun from her waist and threw it far away.

The leading man was relieved when he saw this, with a ferocious expression on his face, "Bitch, how dare you kill my brother! Today I will avenge them!"

"I'll kill your brother? Who is your brother? I said, did you make a mistake?" Ning Xi was at a loss, talking to them deliberately while quickly looking around.

The man scolded angrily: "Stop talking nonsense! Put your hands up and walk over slowly!"

At this time, Ning Xi suddenly saw a pair of police cars passing by from the corner of her eye, and she was overjoyed.

Even if these people are rampant, people who see the police will still have scruples!

Just as they were about to call for help, the team of police cars actually came directly towards them. The policeman in the captain's uniform hooked his shoulders to the leader's man with a friendly expression.

"Why is this?"

"It's okay, let's deal with some private matters, please help me patrol the area, don't let anyone come over to disturb you, otherwise, it will be bad if you accidentally hurt someone!"

"Small things, no problem!"


Then, Ning Xi watched the team of police cars leave.

Not only was he not rescued, he was also blocked from retreating.

Oops, it seems that the other party is not young!

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