Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 637 Are You Satan's Woman?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The leading man finally lost his patience, thinking that she had no power to fight back anyway, so he winked at the subordinates next to him and asked them to go up and arrest them.

However, the moment the man took a step, three gunshots "bang", "bang" and "bang" were fired.

Three of the four men fell in one second!

The leading man looked at the three companions who had been shot, and his expression changed drastically.

On the opposite side, the gun in Ning Xi's hand was still emitting white smoke, and at this moment, it was pointing directly between his eyebrows.

"You... haven't you already thrown away your gun..." The man was dumbfounded, and looked not far away, the gun that Ning Xi had just thrown away was still lying there quietly.

Ning Xi rolled her eyes and looked like an idiot, "Who told you I only have one gun?"

She bought two, okay?

The man was half dead with anger, "F-U-C-K! Cunning yellow man!!!"

"It's obvious that you're too stupid!" Ning Xi snorted, then looked at him with a half-smile, and said quietly, "Guess, is your gun faster or mine?"

The man's hand holding the gun trembled, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead layer by layer.

If the person in front of him was just an ordinary woman, he would naturally not be afraid, but now he already knows that this is Tang Xi!

Rumor has it that he is the best marksman around Satan...

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party was restless under the huge psychological pressure, Ning Xi resolutely seized the opportunity and fired a "bang".

Unfortunately, the man responded well and avoided the fatal part. Only his arm was hit, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

Still, it was enough for her to escape.

Ning Xi didn't want to stay in this place of right and wrong, Dang even wanted to leave quickly.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of messy footsteps around.

In the next second, she was surrounded by at least a hundred people, all of whom were fully armed.

The man who had been shot by Ning Xi in the arm immediately relaxed, and walked up to a blond man with a respectful expression, "Boss!"

The blond, blue-eyed man who looked like those heads glanced at the three corpses on the ground and the subordinates covering their arms, with no expression on his face.

The man has white skin and a high nose bridge, green eyes, blond hair that reaches to the shoulders, and the position of the ears looks a little strange.

A gust of wind blew over, and Ning Xi inadvertently noticed that the man had no ears...

Then, the man raised his head and looked at Ning Xi, who was surrounded by him, showing a gloomy expression. The elongated voice combined with the distorted expression made it look weird, "Run, why don't you keep running? Hehe, what does your country of Hua say? Oh, yes, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you barge in!"

Looking at the dark crowd around her, Ning Xi secretly cursed, "Run away!"

Did you make a mistake? Just arresting her as a little girl, but mobilizing a large number of people to mobilize an armed force strong enough to control the entire city of Philadelphia? When playing BOSS?

Although Philadelphia used to be their hometown, their main force has already been transferred to other cities. It seems that this place has been controlled by this blond man.

She is now the turtle in the urn, a dead end.

What the hell, what kind of hatred does she have with this man?

Full of suspicion, the blond man walked up to her slowly, and looked her up and down recklessly as if he was about to strip her clothes off, "Are you Satan's woman?"

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