Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 638 What is it like to taste

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The moment she heard this sentence, the word "s-h-i-t" popped out of Ning Xi's heart!

She said, she is just a small shrimp, how could she have such a large hatred value, the original source is here!

"No!" Ning Xi replied firmly and without hesitation.

The man smiled coldly, and squeezed her chin with his cold fingers, "Oh, no? He cut off the alliance with me because of you. My two ears are thanks to his subordinate Tang Ye!"

Ning Xi's heart skipped a beat.

Was this man's ear cut off by the elder brother?

After listening to the man's words, Ning Xi's brain turned quickly, and she finally got a clue.

She remembered the group of people she dealt with when she was looking for Lu Tingxiao in the abandoned military factory in Philadelphia last time.

Later, Annie revealed in a text message that these people were allies with the organization before, and because of this incident, they broke up...

After Ning Xi cleared her mind, her expression became more serious.

If this is the case, then today is really doomed, even if she denies the relationship with Satan, it is useless now, she killed this man's subordinates and ruined his affairs, this man will never let her go today!

"Oh, that guy's woman, I really want to taste, what is it like..."

The earless man's fingers scraped vaguely on her neck, making Ning Xi's skin crawl with nausea.

While speaking, a white light flashed, and the sharp dagger in the man's hand started from Ning Xi's neckline and slashed down. Ning Xi's leather jacket and the shirt inside were torn apart, revealing the dazzlingly white skin...

This kind of looming temptation was more than taking off his clothes directly, and the man's gaze suddenly ignited a cluster of flames.

Just by looking at the man's expression, Ning Xi knew what he wanted to do, and immediately felt nauseated.

Helplessly surrounded by a group of desperadoes, the only gun in his hand was also unloaded, leaving no room for resistance.

It's all dead anyway! It's better to fight!

While the man was sizing her up obscenely, Ning Xi suddenly raised her foot and bumped into the man's lifeblood.

The next second, with a bang, a bullet "poofed" into her thigh, and there was a piercing pain.

If she hadn't reacted in time to avoid a few centimeters, this shot would definitely hit her aorta.

The man clutched the bumped part in embarrassment, with a sullen expression on his face, "You're courting death..."

In an instant, hundreds of guns were aimed at her, and as long as the man gave an order, she would be shot into a hornet's nest.

Ning Xi's eyes were cold, yes, she was courting death!

The man seemed to have seen through her intentions, and grabbed her by the hair, "Want to die? It's not that easy!"

Currently, he has controlled the entire Philadelphia, and here, he is the king.

Don't say that Satan is impatient and can't take care of himself. Even if he really comes, he will die in Philadelphia. No one should try to save this woman from him.

The man's gaze made Ning Xi feel uncomfortable all over. The meaningless gaze, coupled with the pair of cloudy eyes, made people feel disgusted.

During this period of time, there were quite a few vehicles passing by. A few drivers saw that the road was blocked by a sea of ​​people. They poked their heads out of the car windows, thinking that there had been a traffic accident. After careful examination, their faces turned pale. They completely ignored Ning Xi's pleading eyes for help.

After several times in a row, Ning Xi finally gave up the last hope in her heart.

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