Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 639 Where is this peach blossom robbery?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Why, who do you expect to save you?" The man looked Ning Xi up and down with his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up, his expression was full of teasing, as if he was looking at a prey.

"Now that the whole of Philadelphia is under our control, you'd better not have any expectations or hopes. Such hopes will only aggravate your despair in the end." The man stared at Ning Xi and sneered.

At this moment, Ning Xi was expressionless. Since she couldn't survive, wouldn't it be easy to seek death?

Hundreds of black guns were pointed at Ning Xi, as long as the man gave an order, Ning Xi would be smashed into a hornet's nest by countless bullets, leaving countless blood holes on her body.

However, the man was neither slow nor ill, it was like a cat and mouse game, Ning Xi was just his prey, the cat had to get tired of playing with the mouse, and after exhausting the mouse to death, he swallowed the mouse in one gulp.

"Little girl, you can rest assured for a while. I won't kill you so quickly. After a while, after I get tired of playing with your whole body, I will slowly torture you to death. The game between us has just begun." The man grinned.

From the beginning to the end, Ning Xi's expression did not show a trace of fear, but was unusually calm, which made the man very upset. He wanted to see that this woman was kneeling at his feet begging for mercy.

Suddenly, Ning Xi broke free from the man's shackles with some strength, exhausted all her strength, and pushed the man staggeringly. After that, Ning Xi limped forward without looking back.

Ning Xi was shot in the leg, and the speed was very slow, the blood fell on the ground drop by drop, looking extremely distressed.


At this moment, a gunshot sounded from behind, and the bullet hit the ground in front of Ning Xi, causing gravel to splash and a trace of gray smoke.

Ning Xi gritted her teeth, her figure didn't stop at all, as if she wasn't afraid of death at all.

The man dragged the smoking muzzle with his right hand, and said with displeasure: "Who told you to shoot so hastily, what fun is there for a dead mouse, I have plenty of time today!"

"Boss, I understand." The subordinate who fired just now hastily retracted the gun, and nodded tremblingly.

Seeing the woman fleeing forward unsteadily, the man was not in a hurry, but was full of patience, and his eyes were full of interest: "Little girl, run away faster, this way, there will be enough fun, and it will make me more excited, hahahahaha..."

The man's piercing laughter was like a life-seeking talisman, echoing over the gloomy city...


After an unknown amount of time, Ning Xi's right leg was so painful that it was numb, and her speed became even slower. Looking back, those people had disappeared from her sight.

The night is as cool as water, full of stars, and the moonlight shines through the clouds and sprinkles the brilliance on the earth.

Ning Xi's shot leg had already been bandaged briefly and the bullet was taken out. Although the pain was still unbearable, it was much better than before. At least, this leg wouldn't just be useless.

Thinking of this, Ning Xi laughed at herself, and even now she is still thinking about whether her legs will be abolished. It is still unknown whether he will be able to leave Philadelphia alive. To be more precise, she already knew her fate, but she was still unwilling to admit it.

Before coming here, she had a bad premonition, but she never expected that it would be a hundred times worse than she expected.

Where is this peach blossom robbery? It is clearly a death calamity...

Only those who have no desires and desires will not be afraid of death, but now, she is afraid, very afraid that she will die.

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