Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 640 Take the initiative to send it to your door

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

She really misses Xiaobao, misses the BOSS...

Ning Xi took a deep breath, and slowly covered her body with her arms.

On a winter night in Philadelphia, it was bone-chillingly cold. Ning Xi's back looked a little lonely and helpless, but her expression was still determined.

That man regarded himself as the ruler of Philadelphia, thought that everything could not escape his palm, regarded her as a mouse, and himself as a cat, and even deliberately let her go...

She knew that although she escaped temporarily at this moment, she was actually stepping on the death line every minute.

She can't stop.

Ning Xi endured the physical pain, fatigue, hunger and cold, and continued to walk forward.

Earlier, she had thought about calling the police, but it was obvious that the Philadelphia police station should have a good relationship with that man, if she acted rashly, she might fall into the trap of herself.

Regardless of whether she is a mouse in the true sense or not, if she procrastinates for a second, she will procrastinate for another second, and no one can be sure whether there will be a miracle in the next moment.

The night was very cold, and there was not a single pedestrian on the streets of Philadelphia. Occasionally, there were vehicles passing by, whether it was a coincidence or on purpose, as long as Ning Xi went to ask for help, the speed of those vehicles would increase instantly, passing Ning Xi, they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ning Xi walked aimlessly forward, and the next second, she suddenly saw a ray of light not far away.

Like a person in the dark seeing the light, Ning Xi subconsciously walked towards the bright place...

In half a moment, Ning Xi walked into an extremely wide street square.

As soon as she entered the square, Ning Xi was slightly taken aback. The people in the square were actually that man and his subordinates.

The man seemed a little surprised when he saw Ning Xi, and then he laughed loudly: "Little girl, I wanted you to feel despair at a deeper level, but I never thought that you couldn't wait any longer. I was just about to go out to find you, but you came to the door yourself!"

How could this man let Ning Xi escape? He had already arranged several armed men to follow him in the dark. He wanted to find her later, but Ning Xi came here.

After being overjoyed and sad, Ning Xi suddenly calmed down, with a look of dust on her face.

The earless man strode forward, grabbed Ning Xi's long hair, and led her out of the square.

At this moment, Philadelphia in the middle of the night is dead silent, except for this man and his subordinates, there seems to be no one who is irrelevant.

"Little girl, don't worry, I'll fuck you here right now, in front of my subordinates, tsk tsk, don't you think it's very exciting..." The man's gaze, like a poisonous snake covered in mucus, looked at Ning Xi differently.

The subordinates of the men around showed ambiguous expressions and laughed in unison.

"Baby, I'll give you a chance. If you enjoy serving me, maybe I can save you a life, what do you think?" The man's scarlet tongue licked his dry lips, and at the same time he slowly approached Ning Xi...

Before Ning Xi could speak, suddenly, bursts of roaring and piercing motor sounds rushed over like waves.

In the next second, a row of speeding black cars appeared in everyone's sight.

"Boss, it's not ours." A subordinate with a gun looked at the man and said with a vigilant expression.

The man nodded, and didn't pay much attention to it. It was just a few cars, and he didn't pay attention to them yet.

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