Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 641 Please stay here forever

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Soon, a row of black cars stopped around the crowd, the doors opened, and dozens of men in black got out of the cars.

The leader was a well-dressed middle-aged man. The man glanced across the audience, and then his eyes fell on Augustine.

"Mr. Augustine, I think you arrested the wrong person and did the wrong thing." The middle-aged man first nodded to Augustine, then said coldly.

"Boss, it's from Satan." A man in front of Augustine whispered, his expression extremely nervous.

No need to be reminded by others, Augustine knew in his heart that this middle-aged man had been with Satan in the past, so he also had some impressions. It seems to be a military adviser who specializes in negotiations.

"Oh... I remember, your name is Feng Jin." Augustine looked at the middle-aged man for a few times, then looked away, and sneered.

"Mr. Augustine, you remember correctly." The middle-aged man was expressionless.

"Hahaha, interesting, why, Satan didn't dare to come to Philadelphia, so he asked a dog next to me to chat with me?" Augustine said with great interest, provocatively, tearing at Ning Xi's hair.

"Mr. Augustine, I think you made a mistake. Feng did not come to chat with you, but to persuade you. If you release Tang Xi now, everything will be easy to talk about. Otherwise, your consequences may be unimaginable." Feng Jin said.

Hearing Feng Jin's words, Augustine couldn't stop laughing, the whole of Philadelphia was his world, and he could even call on the police force of Philadelphia directly, not to mention the dog in front of Satan, there are only a dozen people in this area, even if Satan came in person, he would have to die in Philadelphia!

In an instant, Augustine's expression was extremely gloomy, as if he could drip water: "You have no right to talk nonsense with me here, but since I'm here, I will do my best as a landlord, and you too...stay here forever..."

As Augustine's words fell, hundreds of black hole guns suddenly aimed at Feng Jin.

At this moment, Feng Jin's expression was fearless, and he was still very calm. He opened his mouth slowly and said, "Since Mr. Augustine didn't listen to the advice, what Feng said before was probably in vain. If that's the case, Mr. Augustine will bear all the consequences."

After the middle-aged man Feng Jin finished speaking, for some reason, he took the initiative to retreat towards the rear, directly ignoring the dark muzzles of the guns.

In the next second, dozens of black cars rushed from all directions, blocking the street.

Seeing this, Augustine's complexion changed slightly, and his brows frowned slightly. However, in the blink of an eye, Augustine calmed down and said with a sneer, "Why, Satan has this ability now? These few people just want to fight against me and the power of the entire Philadelphia?!"

At that moment, Augustine dialed the phone and said only two words: "Do it."

In an instant, the siren sounded.

In the middle of the night, in this dead Philadelphia, sirens sounded one after another, twice as many as the cars Feng Jin brought.

"Hahaha, you are fat sheep. The Philadelphia Police Department is also very interested in you. I said earlier, not to mention you, even if Satan came in person, he would have to die here." Seeing nearly a hundred heavily armed police forces surrounded Fengjin's people, Augustine laughed wildly, his face quite hideous.

Dozens of police cars roared to surround Feng Jin's people, almost all of which were the strength of the Philadelphia Police Department.

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