Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 642 Satan also has to submit obediently

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

There was a hint of madness on Augustine's face. He had said long ago that at this moment, he was the king of Philadelphia, not to mention Satan's idiots. Even if Satan showed up in person, he would have to die in Philadelphia!

Feng Jin looked at the police cars that surrounded him. The doors of these police cars were opened, and police guns were pointed at the crowd through the windows. More police officers were armed with anti-riot shields, completely blocking all escape routes, and wanted to catch Feng Jin and the others all at once.

"Hahaha, these are Satan's people, they won't surrender, why not kill them all!"

Augustine winked at the strong man behind him.

The strong man understood, and immediately looked at Feng Jin in the crowd, and pulled the trigger.


Suddenly, a loud noise spread throughout the audience.

However, what shocked everyone was that Feng Jin, who was supposed to be hit by the bullet, was unscathed. Instead, it was the strong man behind Augustine who fired the gun.

Just hearing a "plop", the stiff body of the strong man fell to the ground.


The complexions of Augustine and the police chief beside him changed slightly.

"There are snipers..." Augustine looked gloomy. Snipers were impossible to guard against. He never thought that Feng Jin had arranged for snipers to lurk in the dark before. No wonder he was so confident.

The chief of police opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

However, at this moment, an explosion sounded like thunder in the dog days, sounded from behind, and the shocking eardrums hurt.

"what happened?!"

Several police cars were smashed to the ground. Augustine and the others looked behind, but they saw that it was a military armored car!

"Military armored vehicle?!"

The police chief in front of Augustine suddenly changed his expression.

There were several machine guns mounted on the armored vehicle, and armed personnel with light and heavy weapons on the rear compartment. At first glance, it really looked like a regular army.

"Damn it, it must be Satan, destroying that armored vehicle!" Augustine shouted angrily, concluding that Satan must be in that fully armed vehicle.




As Augustine's voice fell, the sound of roaring rang out in a loop. Under the surprised and horrified eyes of everyone, military armored vehicles came slowly one after another. In less than half a moment, the military armored vehicles seemed to be piled up into a mountain!

On the top of each military armored vehicle, there are two men in full armor carrying shocking heavy machine guns.

"Mr. Augustine, just now Feng said that all the consequences will be borne by you." Feng Jin looked at Augustine and said very politely.

"you wanna die!"

Augustine was furious, and after speaking, a certain man behind him shot Feng Jin at Augustine's signal.

However, before the trigger could be pulled, the man behind Augustine was directly shot dead by the sniper lurking in the dark.

"Mr. Augustine, I understand your reluctance and anger, but with all due respect, there is no essential difference between you and an ant. Here, you can't kill anyone." A gleam of disdain flashed in Feng Jin's eyes.

"Fight with them, don't be afraid, with this slut in my hands, Satan will have to submit obediently!" Augustine said viciously, but in fact he didn't have any confidence in his heart.

buzz buzz --

Suddenly, there was a shrill sound like a lawn mower above the void.

Augustine and the Chief of Police looked up at the void subconsciously, and couldn't help but gasp.

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