Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 643 Dear, miss me?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Several helicopters were seen hovering above the heads of the crowd, but after a while, Tang Ye, who was dressed in black, quickly fell from above.

"Damn it, Tang Ye!"

Augustine couldn't help yelling, he never thought that Tang Ye would come over in person!

However, before Augustine could finish cursing, the person following Tang Ye was... Feng Xiaoxiao!

Next, not only Augustine, but also the police chief next to him was trembling all over. He had long thought that Satan was not easy to mess with. As expected, tonight confirmed his conjecture.

Armored vehicles, helicopters, like a fully organized army, what kind of force is this?

And Tang Ye, Feng Xiaoxiao, which one is not the one who is not talked about? !

And now, these people actually appeared together!

Augustine caught this... who the hell is it?

Soon, the armored vehicles scattered towards the two sides, and a very ordinary silver car drove up.

This small car looks very old, its shape is even a bit like a classic car, there is still a lot of dust on the body, it looks dirty, it looks out of place in such a lineup.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Tang Ye walked up to the silver car step by step, opened the door by himself, and Feng Jin, Feng Xiaoxiao and others also waited respectfully beside the car.

Just when everyone was at a loss, in the next second, a man slowly stepped out of the dilapidated car.

I saw the man's silver hair fluttering gently in the night sky as if alive, his slightly long bangs covered half of his eyes, and the other light brown eye seemed to be sinking in a deep pool, with strands of air-conditioning.

Ning Xi looked at the silver-haired man not far away unsteadily, with a dazed expression, almost thinking that she was hallucinating...

It turned out to could it be...

"S...Satan!!!" The moment he saw the man, Augustine's expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

Few people have seen Satan in real life, but know his iconic silver hair...

crazy crazy! All crazy!

Just because of a woman, under such circumstances, he dared to leave the strait and come to Philadelphia, and he used so much force to make such a big commotion. Even if this man is known as the king of the night, this move is too arrogant, he is looking for death!

"Satan, you...what do you want to do? Don't forget, who am I..." Augustine seemed to see the devil Satan, his whole face was full of horror, and as the man walked towards him step by step, cold sweat rolled down his forehead like a waterfall, "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot him to death!"

Augustine roared at his frantic opponents.

However, facing the dark crowd, the silver-haired man seemed to be in no one's land, his lazy eyes were empty, there was nothing, and he didn't put anything into his eyes.

As for Augustine, when the silver-haired man appeared, all the hearts of the people over there were already distracted. Although they had guns in their hands, these guns were useless to them, because let alone shooting, they didn't even dare to take a second look...

All of a sudden, the entire scene was tense.

They have no doubt that in the next second, this man will leave Augustine dead.

However, to everyone's surprise, the silver-haired man passed him expressionlessly as if he hadn't seen Augustine, and walked straight to the girl behind him.

He stood still for a while, and then slowly put his chin on the girl's shoulder, wrapped his arms around her waist, and said in a coquettish tone, "Honey, miss me?"

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