Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 644 It's Deserving That Little Junior Sister Runs Away With Someone Else

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Augustine: "..."

Tang Ye: "..."

Feng Xiaoxiao: "..."

Feng Jin: "..."

And, all the people at the scene who were nervous and ready to go to war: "..."

Big brother, this is full of gunpowder, can we see the occasion when we talk about love?

Ning Xi only felt a tall shadow falling in front of her, and then an extremely familiar voice came from her ear, and she could still see a strand of silver hair gently swaying in the night wind from the corner of her eye...

However, Ning Xi didn't stay in a daze for long.

Because this guy suddenly and unceremoniously lifted his entire body weight like a big dog, Ning Xi's thigh that was shot was pulled, and there was a heart-piercing pain immediately, and his originally chaotic brain suddenly woke up.

"I... miss your uncle!!!"

The man raised his brows slightly, and his voice was hoarse, "Huh? My dear, did you say two more words?" You must be thinking of him, right? Why is it his uncle?

"Talk more about your uncle!!!"

"Baby is so smart, but I just said too much, sir."

Ning Xi didn't have time to teach him the profound Chinese, so she couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Get up! I've been shot in the leg!"

Hearing this, the man finally straightened up slightly, glanced at the horrific wound on her thigh with his cold eyes, and said in a deep voice, "It's really useless."

"You..." Ning Xi's physical strength was already at its peak, but now she was pissed off by this guy, her body swayed, and she almost fainted.

The man firmly caught the girl's soft body with one arm, and then hugged her by the waist, looking at Tang Ye with his hazel eyes, "Have fun with them."

Seeing the man holding Ning Xi in his arms and going in the direction of the small broken car, Feng Xiaoxiao rubbed her nose and followed up to remind, "What... my junior sister has injuries, this car is too broken, let's take a helicopter!"

"Not so delicate." The man said, and directly stuffed him into the small broken car.

Behind her, the corner of Feng Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, and she vomited, "Tsk, this EQ... deserves that little junior sister ran away with someone else..."

Hearing this, Tang Ye turned his head to look at Feng Xiaoxiao.

Feng Xiaoxiao was horrified by him: "Why, did I say something wrong?"

Tang Ye: "That's right, very accurate."

Feng Xiaoxiao: "..."

Feng Xiaoxiao glanced at Augustine and the others, "What should these people do now? What do you mean by playing? Do you want to play to death?"

Feng Jin's face was a bit dignified, "After all, he's from there, it's hard to explain if he's dead, so save your life."

Tang Ye nodded, expressing that he had no objection.

What's more, today's fight is really too big. If it alarms the government of country X, the consequences will be disastrous, and it must be resolved quickly...

Inside the silver broken car.

Ning Xi leaned weakly on the seat, feeling that she might pass out at any moment, but she didn't dare, and could only use her last bit of strength to force herself to wake up.

Beside him, the man was talking in English with the person on the walkie-talkie.

Ning Xi was in a daze, heard a few words vaguely, and suddenly came to her senses, "Do you want to transfer them all?"

Just now she seems to have heard this guy say that most of the organization's secret strongholds have been exposed, and now they are going to retreat to Country Y as a whole.

The man hung up the intercom, and was staring at her with a cold glint in his hazel eyes. Then, he stretched out his slender fingers, gently pulled off the crooked wig on her head that was about to fall off, and said softly, "Honey, it's not you, but us."

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